Re: [Epic] Titans CAF

From: Jason Robinson <ewing_at_...>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 22:03:48 +0200 (EET)

On Mon, 3 Mar 1997, David Knowles wrote:
> I was thinking about having a house rule stating that when a Titan is
> attacked in CC by infantry or something else with no saving throw its CAF is
> doubled. This would stop any `light` troops (eg. infantry & bikes) having
> any real chance of killing a titan in CC while still allowing the heavier
> stuff to have a good go.
> Can anyone see any problem with this?

 Yes, I see a problem with this; it stops light troops from killing
 titans. :) I see no reason why titans should be invincible to light
 troops (light doesn't mean they aren't equipped with grenades; assault
 troops have the best grenades). IMHO, if an unprotected titan gets
 stomped by masses of infantry, it deserves to have a chance to die.
 There should be tactics in defending these big machines too, as their
 use, IMHO, doesn't require as much as tanks or infantry. :)

 I do however think that assaulting infantry should only be allowed
 to get hits on the lowest line of the titan template, unless they
 are jetbikes or have jump packs.

 I think the current system works reasonably well in this field; Titans
 are hard to kill in CC, but possible. I just think their owners should
 think about their safety a bit. I think the old Adeptus Titanicus
 system would work a lot better, but this is not the place to discuss
 that anymore. :)

 Flavor text from Adeptus Titanicus:
 "Despise infantry if you must. Crush them underfoot, by all means.
  But do not ignore them. Battlefields are littered with the wreckage
  of Titans whose crews ignored infantry.
        - Grand Master Ferromort,
          Ordo Sinister, Divisio Militaris"

        - Jason
Received on Mon Mar 03 1997 - 20:03:48 UTC

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