Re: [Epic] Another Epic40K vs NetEpic post :)

From: Colen \ <brother_morgan_at_...>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 18:27:06 +0100

Thane Morgan <thane_at_...> scribbles:

Have to take issue with you, Thane...

>> 2) Loss of Ork Clans.
>> My reply: Design your detachments to fit the fluff. There are MORE
>> types of Ork infantry than there used to be now.
>Wrong, wrong, wrong. There are 11 "types" of new ork infantry, while there
>were 15 types of old ork infantry. Sure, 5 of them had the same combat
>stats, but they all behaved differently when out of command, according to
>their clans.

For some reason the only ones I saw being played more than once were the
Goffs... unless we had points to spare, when the Deathskulls were
brought in to take more tanx.

>> 3) Chaos/Blood axes can't take every thing in the book that Imperials
>> get as well as CSM and Demons/orky bitz
>> My reply: This is a good thing. If you want to play Imperials play
>> the m$%$%$ers
>They never got everything, but they could get a few things, which was
>appropriate to the their clan personality. To newer players: Orks used to
>have "personality", whereby each clan type had certain abilities and
>behaivors that the others didn't.

Which made almost no difference unless all the nobz died...

>> 4) Army design takes all day.
>> Do them before, like when you are painting the suckers. What? You
>> don't paint your army? Go away then you are a munckin
>I paint my army, and I liked being able to put together a 5000 point army in
>five minutes. The "make your own detatchment" rules add nothing to the game,
>as 90% of detatchment compositions don't work well with each other anyways.
>All it is good for is frustrating newer players who haven't learned that
>yet, because the "brain trust" didn't think to point this out in the books

I agree with you here, though. It was much more fun putting the cards
together to make the detachments... of course, I am easily amused.

>The only reason weapon ranges are so much shorter than
>movement ranges is to support the crappy CC system, which I noticed you
>didn't address as the biggest complaint about the new rules.

The CC system is about the only thing I don't like about E40K.

Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister        <mailto:brother_morgan_at_...>
IRC EFNet: #babylon5 and #warhammer ChanOp       <>
Thought for the day:                                        UIN 13168333
Exercise daily. Eat wisely. Die anyway.
Received on Fri Aug 28 1998 - 17:27:06 UTC

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