Re: [Epic] table and scenery

From: Greg Lane <greg_at_...>
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 21:22:30 -0500

IMO, unless you are specifically fighting a scenario within a city or some
forest or mountain region, there should be significant open areas for
maneuver in an Epic game. If you are fighting in tight quatrters, bring
the detachments with great Assault and Firefight values.

Depending on the size of terrain features, I would think that a 120 by 180
cm table could support 8 to 10 terrain features at the upper end without
being TOO crowded, as long as they are spread around in groups and not all
clumped together in one spot. Remember, commanders will choose their
terrain as much as possible to meet the needs of their forces. Bugs like
to make the other gusy come dig them out of the woods, wo they can get
close and assault before they take a lot of fire ... many Daemon
detachments like similar terrain.

A 120 cm wide table should be able to accomodate up to 2400 pts, according
to GW's 20 pts per cm guideline. I agree this can become cramped and
would probably try to stay at 2000 or less on that size table. My rule of
thumb is to take the width and subtract about 10% per flank and then apply
the 20 pts per cm rule ... in this case 120 - 24 = 96 and 96 x 20 is 1920

Today we played several games of 1200 pts per side on a 180 cm by 70 cm
table. Each table had about 6 to 8 terrain features (woods, hills &
buildings). Just FYI ... These were training games with new players (lots
of discussion and comparing alternative ideas by kibbitzing players), but
we still finished four full turns in about 2 hrs ... normally would have
been an hour and a half or less.

Greg Lane

Needle wrote:

> I found that our normal gaming table 120x180 cm is a little bit cramped
> for a 1500 pts epic battle with an average 10 terrain pieces (hills ,
> ruins , woods , etc) and it makes manouvering silly .
> So I'm thinking to make a new one 150x180 at least ;
> any suggestion or experiences ?

I like to play on a similar sized portion of my Ping Pong table with about
2000 to 2500 points per side ... lots of maneuver room!

> Btw : how many scenic pieces do u use in which table size ?
> Bye
> Needle
Received on Sun Aug 30 1998 - 02:22:30 UTC

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