Re: [Epic] Bill 'sucked' Clinton OT

From: <StarFox567_at_...>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 19:31:46 EDT

In a message dated 98-09-01 10:10:20 EDT, you write:

 Just a question: a want to make a conversion: a WWIII, with the USA
 against the Islamic fundamentalists, but I have a problem: I want to make
 a supreme commander unit: Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, but I'm afraid
 that I'll break the Lewinsky-model, if I make her bow towards Clinton
 knees (well a little higher than his knees, but on this scale it's hard to
 see what's where).
 How can I prevent this, and which models should be used?
Dont they make a model of King ALbert buggering King Leopold?? In EPIC scale
who could tell???
Received on Tue Sep 01 1998 - 23:31:46 UTC

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