[Epic] Epic] Real Marines don't need geneseed

From: <tzeentch666_at_...>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 13:22:27 -0700

Well, 'real' Marines are not quite that bad. We call each other "Devil Dog"
and I call everyone "Devil Dork" or "Devil Pup" but that is just me. :)
Never called a fellow Marine "brother" :)

Oh wait. you meant the "Never fight there but are called- Space Marines"

My bad. Carry on with the plan for the day,


>>'But anyways thats for a religion list not for a space marine one.. }0)
>But Marines are religious - they call each other 'brother'.
>All they need is a couple of choir boys and......... hehehehe
>Jimi :)
Received on Mon Sep 07 1998 - 20:22:27 UTC

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