Re: [Epic] Chaplins in CC

From: Colin Partridge <9404237p_at_...>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 13:18:21 +0000

> I wonder if anyone can help me with this,
> If I have an Space Marine assault detachment accompanied by a Chaplin and
> they are pounced on by loads of Eldar jekbikes, what`s to stop the Eldar
> player electing to fight the Chaplin first then fight the Assault Marines
> after they have lost their +1 CAF from the Chaplin? I can`t find anything
> in the rules to stop this, but it does seem to go against the spirit of the
> rules.
> Hope you can help
> David K

Can't say that I've ever encountered this situation as my marine
opponant rarely takes special stands like the chaplin.
However I'd let the assualt marines keep the +1 until the end of that
turn, no matter what happens to the Chaplin. After all most of the
marines wouldn't even realise that he was dead until after the
combat was over, especially since he'd just finnished inspiring them
into close combat frenzy.

Colin P
Received on Tue Mar 04 1997 - 13:18:21 UTC

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