Re: [Epic] Battle Report LONG!

From: <StarFox567_at_...>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 19:31:33 EDT

We (John (IG) Kevin (IG & Scribe) & Scott(Chaos) ) played the escalating
engagement, IG (no SM stuff) vs Chaos. Chaos used house rules for Chaos
Squats & Androids, as well as Chaos Marine Whirlwinds & Land Speeders. Also,
The Thousand Sons
troops used in the game were heavy infantry (same stats & points as Noise
  The IG used some of the rules from 41k including mole mortars, Sisters of
Battle and some other support weapons. Although this report is 11 pages or
so the last 6 pages are detachement details. The map in the adjacent E mail
should be very helpful in seeing the flow of the game if you can download it.
It represents things around turn 4.

We also used the Emperors Tarot and the set of Chaos cards from WD. Since the
IG had slightly fewer points they received 9 cards.

We only used 4 objectives per side for a total of 8. The rules would call for
16 but that seemed a bit too much for what is essentially a regimental action.
I ahve someother thoughts on this addressed separately. On the attached map
the objectives are labeled C1-C4 for the Chaos objectives and IG1-IG4 for the
IG objectives. C1, C2, IG1 and IG 2 are cleanse. IG3 Rescue, IG4 and C3 take
and hold. C4 was a

Chaos had right at 4000 points while the IG had 3997 for morale totals of
90 for Chaos vs. 85 for IG.

Brief list of dets -at the end of this is a listing of the forces in more
CINC (70 ) 2 orgyn, psyker, IG Colonel in Leviathan (330)
Reaver titan 390
Warhound Scout Titan
Super Hvy Tank Coy 440 1 Baneblade, 3 Shadowsword
Air Power sqn 6 T-bolts, 2 Marauders
Hvy Art Det 4 Basilisks, 1 bombard,
Sisters of battle 270 Immolators Seraphim & sisters
Coy "A" mech inf 343 3 Leman Russ inf + chimera + inf
Coy "A" armor 345 7 Leman Rus + Chimera + inf
Recon Coy "A" and "B" both 200 pts, rough riders & sentinels
1st inf Btn 231 pts - inf plus 6 suppt wep
2nd inf Btn 205 pts inf plus 4 suppt weps
Mole Mortar Btn 112pts 4 mole mortors

Supreme Commander 96 pts Warmaster
Chaos Space Marines 253 pts vanilla marines with Whirlwinds
Chaos Space Marines 235 pts Thousand Sons #1
Chaos Space Marines 235 pts Thousand Sons # 2
Chaos Space Marines 165 pts Juggernaughts
Chaos Space Marines 225 pts Bikes & Landspeeders
Chaos Space Marines 125 pts 10 Bikes
Chaos Cultists 214 pts Cultists Hydras and support weapons
Chaos Space Marine Armor #1 211 pts 3 LR 3 Predators
Chaos Space Marine Armor #2 211 pts 3 LR 3 Predators
Daemon Engines 199 pts 6 Demon Slaneesh Engines
Demon Engines 279 pts 6 Contagion's plus Chaos Squats
Demon Engines 369 pts 6x Chaos Khorne Arty
War Engines 555 pts Big nasty titan (Warlord) (Be cool if the points were
666.... )
Chaos Flyers#1 118 pts 3 Doomwings
Chaos Flyers#2 118 pts 3 Doomwings
Demon #1 214 pts 10 Flesh hounds and a thirster
Demon #2 Lord of Change and 5 flamers

1st turn

Chaos SM bikes det comes on and takes the two Chaos cleanse objectives. The
IG mole mortar det marches on and moves up into cover on hill #1.

VP: 92 Chaos 85 IG

2nd turn Chaos Initiative, IG to move first.
Following IG dets enter the map: CinC in Leviathan, & 1st Inf. Btn march down
the road toward the town. Arty moves south of the river. The Warhound & "A"
armor move along the southern edge toward the obj IG3. Recon "B" heads north
of the town.
The basic IG plan was to send the heavy armor along the bottom of the board
after the two IG objectives, send the leg inf into the town and use the recon
and sisters backed by the Reaver to delay the Chaos assault north of the town.
Both flyer dets enter (6 Tbolt and 2 marauder ) declare ground attack
Chaos dets enter: Chaos Arty (Khorne); Slaneesh Engines, SM Bike/Land
Speeder det, Flesh Hounds, Both SM armor dets, Cultist/Hydra det, supreme
Cdr., both Thousand sons dets, #1 doomwing det.
Doomwings miss all intercepts on Marauders and the IG air kills 7 bikes and
inflicts 2 BM, breaking the det
Both sides get 2 pts for cleanse obj,

VP 91 Chaos 87 IG

3rd turn IG Initiative, Chaos to move first.
Following IG dets enter the map: Reaver titan; Sisters of battle, & Recon
Coy "A" enter on the roda and head north of the town, Super Hvy Tank Coy &
Coy A Mech join with the armour and head for Obj IG3 , Only det off the
board is 2nd inf btn

Chaos dets arrive: Space marines/ Whirlwinds, Chaos Juggernaughts; Demon #2
Lord of Change 5 flamers

Note that the Chaos Titan, 2nd flyer and Contagion's are still off board
while all IG but 1 inf det have arrived.

IG used the "Astropath" card to kill 2 Predators, arty is mostly out of range
as is most everything else. Flyers rearming.

Chaos sides get 2 pts for cleanse obj, IG gets 1

VP 92 Chaos 89 IG

4th turn Chaos Initiative, IG to move first.
IG last det, 2nd inf btn, arrives on road and marches for the town.
Chaos flyer #2 arrives leaving titan and contagions still off board
The air war resumes but is a stalemate with the doomwings driving off the IG
air force
IG grabs rescue obj but is shot off of it, but the four detachments start
shooting the thousand sons north of the river.

Assault: Chaos wins assault phase and launches both demon dets against the
recon det with a 2:1 advantage but John rolls a 6 and it is only a +1 Chaos
victory. The recon det is driven bakc and broken when 4 sentinels cant get
away. Scott moved his few remaining bikes and speeders foward to firefight
the other sentinel detachment - the speeder det. had taken such heavy losses
that the FF failed, which drove back the flamers. Then the Sisters moved in
and flamed the doggies back to the warp. IG used a card to nullfy the demons
save but it was ullified. *Scott's commet: My initial assault was premature.
This seems to be a recurring problem with me... In SM/TL demons could go in
against a superior force and kick butt with no problem; in E40K it's just not
as easy but I never seem to learn this... =(

VP 84 Chaos 89 IG

5th turn - the fit hits the shan... (a great sf story)
The Chaos Warlord and contagions finally make it to the fight.
IG arty kills 4 of the 6 slaneesh engines (-5vp) while the Chaos art decimates
the mech inf (-7 vp) , warhound moves to within 15cm of the take and hold,
and the IG armor (Coy A) kills most of the remaining thousand sons. The 3
shadowswords continue picking off SM armour, breaking one armour det (As an
ork player gotta love this ) The Contagions only got to shoot once, and they
missed every shot. =(

Assault: IG, going first, - the sisters & the remaining sentinal det. shot up
flesh hounds before assaulting them and killing just about all of
them (-5vp) The sisters are swarmed by the flamers and bike remnants wiping
them out with 6 BM on them, the Juggers break the second recon det for 4 vp
and run back into cover.

VP 61 Chaos 69 IG

6th turn
One of the Chaos sorcerers uses a fate card to take down the last warhound
shield which is then destroyed by the remaining shooters (-7vp) the Chaos
warlord shoots a vortex missile at the super heavy's getting two under the
template but neither is destroyed* The IG hunkers down on the objectives and
does some serious shooting breaking #2 SM armour (-5), flamers (-4) , the SM
WW det (-6) , and the last of the thousand sons (-5).
Scotts comment: Moving the heavy infantry forward into your massive wall
was a rather foolish of me. If I had held them back with the Lrs and Preds,
they might not have done a whole lot but they wouldn't have cost me the morale
when they broke. You reached the objective 1st; I should have conceeded it
and moved them forward to control
the city. Oh well.

VP 46 Chaos 56 IG
* We used the WD Vortex which is AT vice deth ray shots - very sportsmanlike
of Scott as with a little luck (catastophic kills on both super heavys) would
have made the game really close.

IG Army: 3997 pts, 85 morale

CINC (70 ) 2 orgyn, psyker, IG Colonel
Leviathan 330
Reaver titan 390 Death Ray, CC wep, Hvy wep btry
Super Hvy Tank Coy 440 1 Baneblade, 3 Shadowsword
Interceptor sqn 6 T-bolts
Atttack Sqn - 2 Marauders
Hvy Art Det 4 Basilisks, 1 bombard, 2 Hydra 4 IG Tac sq

Adeptus Ministorium Red Star 270
Canoness in Immolator
4 Battle sisters + Immolators
5x Seraphim

Coy "A" mech inf 343
3 IG Squad in Chimera
3 Hvy weps in Chimera
3x Leman Rus

Coy "A" armor 345
1 IG Squad in Chimera
2 Hvy weps in Chimera
7x Leman Rus
1 Hellhound

2 Rcon Coy "A" and "B" both 200 pts
2x Rough Rider (command)
2x RR
4 IG Bikes
7x sentinals
1 Hellhound

1st Btn 1st support regt 231 pts
1 cmd w/ capt
1 command
2 tac squad
4 hvy sqd
2x thudd guns, 2x rapiers, 2 tarantula

2nd Btn 1st support regt 205 pts
1 cmd w/ capt
1 command
2 tac squad
4 hvy sqd
2x thudd guns, 2x rapier

Mole Mortor Btn 112pts
1x command
2 IG squad
4x mole mortor

Point Total: 4000
Morale Total: 90

Supreme Commander 96 pts
        Chaos Warmaster in Rhino 57 pts
        Thousand Sons x2 in Rhino 39 pts

        Morale: 2
        � Strength: 3
        Reserve Speed: 30cm

Chaos Space Marines 253 pts
        Chaos Lord in Rhino 57 pts
        Chaos Space Marines x2 30 pts
        Chaos Space Marines 15 pts
        Chaos Space Marines in Rhino 22 pts
        Chaos Space Marines in Rhino 22 pts
        Whirlwind 26 pts
        Whirlwind 26 pts
        Whirlwind 26 pts
        Whirlwind 26 pts

        Morale: 6
        � Strength: 7
        Reserve Speed: 30cm

Chaos Space Marines 235 pts
        Chaos Sorcerer in Rhino 67 pts
        Thousand Sons Heavy Infantry 21 pts
        Thousand Sons Heavy Infantry x2 in Rhino 49 pts
        Thousand Sons Heavy Infantry x2 in Rhino 49 pts
        Thousand Sons Heavy Infantry x2 in Rhino 49 pts

        Morale: 5
        � Strength: 8
        Reserve Speed: 30cm

Chaos Space Marines 235 pts
        Chaos Sorcerer in Rhino 67 pts
        Thousand Sons Heavy Infantry 21 pts
        Thousand Sons Heavy Infantry x2 in Rhino 49 pts
        Thousand Sons Heavy Infantry x2 in Rhino 49 pts
        Thousand Sons Heavy Infantry x2 in Rhino 49 pts

        Morale: 5
        � Strength: 8
        Reserve Speed: 30cm

Chaos Space Marines 165 pts
        Chaos Lord on Jugger 50 pts
        Juggernaut Calvary 23 pts
        Juggernaut Calvary 23 pts
        Juggernaut Calvary 23 pts
        Juggernaut Calvary 23 pts
        Juggernaut Calvary 23 pts

        Morale: 4
        � Strength: 3
        Reserve Speed: 20cm

Chaos Space Marines 225 pts
        HQ 25 pts
        Bikes 10 pts
        Bikes 10 pts
        Bikes 10 pts
        Bikes 10 pts
        Bikes 10 pts
        Land Speeder 30 pts
        Land Speeder 30 pts
        Land Speeder 30 pts
        Land Speeder 30 pts
        Land Speeder 30 pts

        Morale: 5
        � Strength: 5
        Reserve Speed: 35cm

Chaos Space Marines 125 pts
        HQ 25 pts
        Bikes 10 pts
        Bikes x3 30 pts
        Bikes x3 30 pts
        Bikes x3 30 pts

        Morale: 3
        � Strength: 5
        Reserve Speed: 35cm

Chaos Cultists 214 pts
        Coven with Magus 42 pts
        Cultists 7 pts
        Cultists 7 pts
        Cultists 7 pts
        Cultists 7 pts
        Cultists 7 pts
        Support Weapon x3 39 pts
        Support Weapon x2 26 pts
        Hydra 24 pts
        Hydra 24 pts
        Hydra 24 pts

        Morale: 5
        � Strength: 7
        Reserve Speed: 10cm

Daemons 214 pts
        Bloodthirster 54 pts
        Flesh Hounds of Khorne x5 80 pts
        Flesh Hounds of Khorne x5 80 pts

        Morale: 5
        � Strength: 6
        Reserve Speed: 25cm

Daemons 178 pts
        Lord of Change 52 pts
        Flamers of Tzeentch x5 70 pts
        Flamers of Tzeentch x4 56 pts

        Morale: 4
        � Strength: 5
        Reserve Speed: 25cm

Chaos Space Marine Armor 211 pts
        HQ 25 pts
        Land Raider 35 pts
        Land Raider 35 pts
        Land Raider 35 pts
        Predator 27 pts
        Predator 27 pts
        Predator 27 pts

        Morale: 5
        � Strength: 3
        Reserve Speed: 20cm

Chaos Space Marine Armor 211 pts
        HQ 25 pts
        Land Raider 35 pts
        Land Raider 35 pts
        Land Raider 35 pts
        Predator 27 pts
        Predator 27 pts
        Predator 27 pts

        Morale: 5
        � Strength: 3
        Reserve Speed: 20cm

Daemon Engines 199 pts
        HQ 25 pts
        Slaanesh Engine 29 pts
        Slaanesh Engine 29 pts
        Slaanesh Engine 29 pts
        Slaanesh Engine 29 pts
        Slaanesh Engine 29 pts
        Slaanesh Engine 29 pts

        Morale: 4
        � Strength: 3
        Reserve Speed: 25cm

Daemon Engines 279 pts
        HQ 25 pts
        Nurgle Engine 31 pts
        Nurgle Engine 31 pts
        Nurgle Engine 31 pts
        Nurgle Engine 31 pts
        Nurgle Engine 31 pts
        Nurgle Engine 31 pts
        Chaos Squats 17 pts
        Chaos Squats 17 pts
        Chaos Squats 17 pts
        Chaos Squats 17 pts

        Morale: 6
        � Strength: 5
        Reserve Speed: 10cm

Daemon Engines 369 pts
        HQ 25 pts
        Chaos Artillery 50 pts
        Chaos Artillery 50 pts
        Chaos Artillery 50 pts
        Chaos Artillery 50 pts
        Chaos Artillery 50 pts
        Chaos Artillery 50 pts
        Chaos Android 11 pts
        Chaos Android 11 pts
        Chaos Android 11 pts
        Chaos Android 11 pts

        Morale: 8
        � Strength: 5
        Reserve Speed: 10cm

War Engines 555 pts
        Warlord Titan (HWB/Vor/DR/HWB) 555 pts

        Morale: 12
        � Strength: 6 DC
        Reserve Speed: 15cm

Chaos Flyers 118 pts
        HQ 25 pts
        Doomwing 31 pts

        Morale: 3
        � Strength: 2
        Reserve Speed: Flyer

Chaos Flyers 118 pts
        HQ 25 pts
        Doomwing 31 pts

        Morale: 3
        � Strength: 2
        Reserve Speed: Flyer

Name Speed Range FP AF Armor Special
Chaos Warmaster 10cm 30cm 1 6 5+ RF, Hero, Commander
Chaos Lord 10cm 30cm 1 6 5+ RF, Hero
Chaos Lord on Jugger 20/30cm 30cm 1 6 6 RF, Hero, Calvary
Chaos Sorcerer 10cm 30cm 1 6 5+ RF, Hero, Psyker
Chaos Space Marines 10cm 30cm 1 3 5+ RF
Thousand Sons 10cm 30cm 1 3 5+ RF, Stubborn
Thousand Sons Heavies 10cm 45cm 2 2 5+ RF, Stubborn, Heavy Weapons
Juggernaut Calvary 20/30cm 15cm 1 4 6 RF, Calvary, Rampage, Assault
Bikes 35cm 15cm 1 2 4+
Land Speeder 35cm 30cm 2 1 4+ Skimmer
Rhino 30cm - 0 0 5+ Transport(2)
Whirlwind 30cm 45cm Brg 0 5+ Artillery
Land Raider 20cm 45cm AT x2 2 6 Transport(2)
Predator 30cm 45cm 2 1 6
Coven with Magus 10cm 30cm 1 1 3+ Psyker
Cultists 10cm 30cm 1 1 3+
Support Weapon 10cm 45cm AT 0 4+
Hydra 15cm 30cm 3 1 5+ Flak
Bloodthirster 25cm - 0 10 6 Save, Skimmer, Rampage
Lord of Change 25cm - 0 8 6 Save, Skimmer, Psyker
Flesh Hounds 30/45cm - 0 4 5+ Save, Calvary
Flamers 30/45cm - 0 4 4+ Save, Jump Packs
Slaanesh Engine 25cm 45cm 3 2 5+
Nurgle Engine 20cm 30-90cm Dis 1 5+ Artillery
Chaos Artillery 10cm 90cm HvyBrg 0 5+ Artillery
Chaos Squats 10cm 45cm 2 1 4+ Heavy Weapons
Chaos Androids 10cm 30cm 1 D3+1 4+
Doomwing Flyer 15cm 2 4/2 4+

Name Speed Shields DC AF Armor
Warlord Titan 15cm 6 12 30 6
        Weapon Range FP Arc Location
        HWB 45cm 8 Front (Right Carapace)
        Vortex UL (1) Front (Left Carapace)
        Death Ray 60cm 1 R Side Right Arm
        HWB 45cm 8 L Side Left Arm
Received on Fri Sep 11 1998 - 23:31:33 UTC

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