Re: [Epic] Some rules questions

From: J Andrew Evans <J_Andrew_Evans_at_...>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 22:13:33 +0100

I'm interested by references to this sort of conversion made around the net.
Buying (I assume you mean the micro-machines Star Wars sets) and doing a
conversion for Epic.

How does stuff like that paint up? Does it work well, converted and re-painted,
or are you adding pre-painted Ork turrets and leaving the existing paint job -
can't think that would look that good. Yet one wonders how to prepare the
surface for a re-paint.

There was an interesting use of a Starship troopers vehicle as an Imperial Guard
Troop carrier (an IG Thunderhawk, sort of) - 'cos let's be honest its something
the IG army misses out on - in the first issue of Dropship.

Adeptus Mechanicus armies would be a marvellous arena for all sort of
"experimental" machines and the Orks have got to be an interest area. Necrons
too, since their other machines are undefined at present.

Might start looking round Toys R Us with renewed interest . . . could be cheaper


Sauron1 wrote:

> Sauron1 writes; JAE
> Actually, I obtained three of the larger Jawa sand Crawlers by Micro and
> converted them into BA Colossus by adding Ork tank turrets to the top and
> sides!
> I call them squat Ore carrier conversions.
> sauron1_at_...
Received on Sat Sep 12 1998 - 21:13:33 UTC

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