Re: [Epic] Heretical Idea!

From: <KrazyLlama_at_...>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 17:10:44 EDT

Sauron1 writes;
>Suppose I create a rack on the Trucks for the Fighta-Bombas rockets and
>create a sort of Russian W.W.II Katiusha Rocket battery for the Orks?
>No indirect fire, same range and a greater spread, but a bigger bang for
>the buck { They Are Big Bang Lovin Orks after All }

Wow! That would be something... there is one problem I have with it, though...
the big bangs part is right, but other than that, it doesn't seem to be very
Orky... they could only move so fast, and the Orks would probably get bored of
trotting along, dump the rockets off fast, and run around... Hey! Maybe it
could be a modified battlewagon that, after lauching the rockets, reverts to
typical battlewagon stats?

Received on Sun Sep 20 1998 - 21:10:44 UTC

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