Re: [Epic] Saving Private Ryan

From: Brian Thomas <bthom37_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 14:09:42 -0500

At 18:29 25.09.98 +0100, you wrote:
>In article <007801bde807$42b95820$598094d1_at_sauron1>, Sauron1
><sauron1_at_...> writes
>>Sauron1 writes;Colen McAlister;
>My god, you spelt both of my names correctly. You are one of a kind. :-D
>> I have seen the movie and was very impressed.I am not shure I could have
>>made that run from the assault landing craft.
>Yeah... you'd either have to be very brave or insane to not run away,
>IMAO. Of course, I've never been in that situation, except when I'm
>playing Laserquest in Edinburgh, and that doesn't really count. :P
>> I must admit my only Excisions" into a War Zone were quite a while ago,
>>and even then I was a "Specialist" who just dropped in and out. I don,t
>>think anyone actually shot at me, but I do remember those "Heli-Rides" to
>>the Hilltop listening post in and out were not fun. I was wearing another
>>countries uniform and such anyway. Those "Flak Vests" weighed a ton!
>I wonder if a flak vest / modern body armour (whatever it is) weighs
>more or less than a suit of full plate mail...
>Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister, UIN 13168333 <brother_morgan_at_...>

Much less. The usual figure I've seen quoted for full plate armour is
80lbs. I believe there were some that weighed more, but those were
'display'. Of course, 80lbs was the weight IIRC of late plate armour, when
they were trying to defeat longbows and 'armas negro'. Related to WHFB,
the M6 of knights with hvy armour/barding doesn't seem so outlandish. Of
course, I usually play Chaos, so we get Chaos Armour and 1+ saves. Nyah!
I'm surprised they haven't introduced cataphracts as a troop type/model, as
they'd probably look cool. Lots of chain mail everywhere.

I read in a book called IIRC 'Warfare in the 21st Century' that tests were
conducted in the 80s with power armour for soldiers, and while effective,
power was a real bitch. Starship Troopers, here we come! (Not the weak
movie, but the good book)


P.S. Tonight I'm playing my second E40K battle, Orks vs either Eldar or
Marines. Go Big Green!
Received on Fri Sep 25 1998 - 19:09:42 UTC

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