Re: [Epic] Epic 40K

From: Paul Tobia <heresy_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 21:03:44 -0600 (CST)

On Mon, 17 Mar 1997, Andy Skinner wrote:

> Are there Ork dragsta fields?
> How do they work?

They don't... there are none. Instead you get a 4+ saving throw if your
transport is shot out from under you, and you get bonuses to your armor
for being in cover. This does count for all the armies tho', not just an
Ork thing. Infantry is better protected then in SM/TL if they're in
transports or cover, but the shield dragstas do not exist.

> How about shields on the ordinatus guys?

They don't... there are none. Ordinatus are War Engines and as such they
can absorb multiple hits before destruction. They are very fragile
though, and can only be effectively used as long range support.

Paul R. Tobia _O_
"Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon |
full of tapes hurtling down the highway." (Tanenbaum,1996)
Received on Tue Mar 18 1997 - 03:03:44 UTC

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