Re: [Epic] Eldar Super Heavies (er I mean War Engines)

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 03:48:19 -0500

At 10:24 PM 4/11/97 -0400, you wrote:

> Wait, could it be? Guardians actually have a use! I was thinking
>that their 2FP and 15cm range was of no value except wasted points
>doomed to die in droves (and you wonder why they're a dying race), but
>with the new blast marker ruling, I may have to put a few in a

Oh yeah, a living shield wall. That makes sense from the background. (not
that I feel at all constrained by fluff when choosing forces, either.)

>Wraithguard don't help any, they're harder to kill than the tanks
>themselves. :( Looks like I'm going to have to use Falcons to screen
>my Engines of Vaul, they're the cheapest thing with a 5+ save that can
>take hits for them.

Amazing that war walkers adn dreadnoughts are harder to kill than a main
battle tank, huh?

Received on Tue Apr 15 1997 - 08:48:19 UTC

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