> Personally, (no offense) your work currently doesn't mean a
>darn to me. There aren't any Epic substitutions. Also, and more
>importantly, there's a FAQ of this sort running around on either
>warhammer or misc, so you're currently doing redundant work. I'd
>check britt klien's site, but I forget where it is (ftp.indirect.com?)
>as it's moved around a couple times and I lost my bookmarks file in
>the HD crash.
>> >it's http://www.geocities.com/Area51/6272/gwprices.htm if you haven't seen
>> >it yet.
> I did visit the site, and it has a nice layout. But until I
>can dig up that file, I think you're doing redundant work and are
>unlikely to find suitable 6-8mm futuristic models for Eldar anyways.
>But if you incorporated the existing information, I think you'd be
>doing a valuable service to WHFB and WH40k gamers.
I realize that the Epic scene is probably the least impacted by what I'm
trying to do but I was just whining about not getting any feedback. Now
the messages are starting to trickle in and I'm quite appreciative of
everyone who's submitting things. Oh, and I got that FAQ, it's got a few
things but most I already knew. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!
David Koontz
"I find your lack of faith disturbing -Vader
Received on Mon Apr 14 1997 - 21:53:37 UTC