[Epic] fao Michael Liu

From: Philip Nixon <philip.nixon_at_nda.n-i.nhs.uk>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 15:46:36 +0100

 1 Chaos (Khorne) Cauldron of Blood [old style with 2 vehicles]
 1 Khorne Brass Scorpion
 1 Chaos Daemons of Slaanesh [old package with 1 Keeper of Secrets and 5
 1 Fulgrim, Primarch of Slaanesh
 2 Slaanesh Subjugator
 2 Slaanesh Questor
 1 Slaanesh Hell Strider
 1 Slaanesh Hell Scourge
 1 Slaanesh Hell Knights
 1 Magnus, Primarch of Tzeentch
 1 Firelord of Tzeentch
 1 Tzeentch Doomwing
 1 Chaos Daemons of Nurgle [old package with 1 Great Unclean One and 5
 plague bearers]
 1 Mortarian, Prmch. of Nurgle
 21 Chaos Dreadnaughts
 3 Doomwings (1 blister)
 1 Firelord (1 blister)
 1 Cauldron of Blood (1 blister)
 2 Towers of Tzeentch (1 Blister)
 1 Lord of Change
 3 THawks (old version, 3 blisters)
 65 Rhinos, 42 Land Raiders (some painted, some primed)
how much do you want for this lot ?


Received on Thu Apr 17 1997 - 14:46:36 UTC

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