[Epic] [Epic} E40K Rules Clarification

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 97 20:08:12 EST

I was just wondering something about Death Rays. Now,
they're 2+ to hit, and they cause automatic criticals
on War Engines, right? But this is only _after_ the
shields are taken down, ie, they don't cause criticals
if they smack into the shields, right? If this is the case,
it should take at least three Deathstrikes to kill a Warlord
Titan (average of 3.5 Death Rays per Deathstrike, and one
critical shouldn't take out a Warlord...).

Also, if a critical hit location is hit mor than once before
that location is repaired, what happens? Does the Titan just
take the amount of extra damage, ignore the other effects, and
go about its merry way? Or does it just not affect the Titan
at all?


A Warlord Titan gets hit twice critically. Each time the roll
for criticals is a 7. Does it suffer 6 damage, along with the
other side effects, or does it suffer 3 damage, side effects,
and the second critical is wasted? Or, for that matter, does
it suffer 4 damage (3 from the first shot, and 1 from the second,
 not counting the extra damage for criticals) and appropriate
side effects?

Received on Mon Apr 21 1997 - 01:08:12 UTC

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