Re: [Epic] [E40k] Eldar vs. Marines battle report

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 23:38:58 -0500

At 10:55 AM 4/20/97 -0500, you wrote:

>Turn 2:
> Thunderhawks fail to arrive.

Starting in turn 2 a reserve unit must arrive each turn. If no one makes
their roll, then you randomly determine which one shows. If his thawk is
the only reserve (and I think it was), then it whoudl have come down in turn 2.

> Of course, dropping the 4-turn
>limit would fix this.

So would following the rules. Not that we did any better our first game. I
took 6 blast markers on the last bike in a detachment despite the all caps
IMPORTANT not under assault saying you can't take more than 1 per unit in
cc. This caused me to lose a total of 11 morale because of the Eldar
penalty for being wiped out.

Received on Wed Apr 23 1997 - 04:38:58 UTC

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