[Epic] Amusing Battle

From: Stephen Sheldon <sheldona_at_...>
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 13:18:54 -0700 (PDT)

Last night I played a game of E40K, 3000 points. We started across the
board, and had D3 random detachments to start with regular reserves.
I had a reaver, 2 warhounds and an artillery detachment at the start of
the game, he had nightwings. I managed to move my titans up to a good
position. Next turn on come my rough riders and Assault marines. My
marines made a 105cm charge (using the forced march fate card),
annihilated his aspect warriors. But the entertaining thing was the
titans... My reaver fired a heavy barrage at his phantom, the heavy weapon
battery at his warlock titan, and a death ray at his farseer. His farseer
lived, I hit eeach titan once, both hits penetrated the holo-field, both
caused catastrophic damage, and both caused the massive explosions.
Needless to say I won the game. From 64 morale each, the game ended 34 to
-33 to me...
Just thought I should share.
Received on Thu May 01 1997 - 20:18:54 UTC

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