Re: [Epic] Multiple Mailing Lists

From: Brett Hollindale <agro_at_...>
Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 13:27:13 GMT

At 01:31 PM 1/5/97 -0400, Kris Aspinal wrote:
>In a message dated 30/04/97 11:03:09, agro_at_... (Brett
>Hollindale) writes:
><< Aw... It's not so bad for us dyed in the wool 2nd edition players...
> I kinda like skimming the forty-odd messages per day from disgruntled EPIC97
> players.
> I definitely had to laugh when Andy Chambers admitted that they were
> preparing the rerelease (EPIC98?)...
> I wasn't around when 2nd edition became available (was there an internet
> then? :-) but I imagine the messages were similiar.
> If it turns out that you don't need LOS to give fire support with direct
> fire weapons (in EPIC97 of course!) I won't be at all surprised...
> Does anyone who has read the rules actually like the game?
> Agro
> >>
>what a sad little man. Rather like an amiga owner still persisting the things
>useful (a very out of date, now quite useless computer).
> To be frank, your comments are pathetic. Of course the rulebooks will be
>updated in the next print - name one successful game where they wer'nt?
>And surely you must realize that the sheer number of Epic40K messages
>compared to 2nd edition space marine messages proves which version is
>Having played both, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind, or the rest of
>my club, which is better : there are actually (shock, gasp, horror!) TACTICS
>involved in this game.
>I know, it sounds strange, but thats the way things are in these dark
>kris aspinall

Hey, thanks for your detailed and incisive answer to my question. The
personal abuse was particular pertenent and helped change my whole opinion
of EPIC40K and the folks who play it...

But seriously (not really :-), a great bard once wrote "Methinks he doth
protest too
much". (I'd tell you which one, and explain what he meant, but I wouldn't
want to appear patronising. I figure anyone who can almost quote Toy Story
would have to have an acedemic background of some sort...)

I'm not really sure that the ratio of E40K to EPIC Space Marine posts to the
list is such a good thing when you consider the content of those messages...
(I'd toss in the quote "The cows are few, yet the dung is many" but I won't
because that might be inflamatory ;-)

As to the slur on all Amiga users: I went straight to IBM (compatible), but
not before doing a bit of research that informed me that due to the vastly
different hardwiring of the two systems, the Amiga is actually a better
games machine than the IBM. Any number of Amiga games that have been
rewritten for IBM format support this assertion. I'm afraid that Amigas
went the way of BETA (are you old enough to remember BETA?) - a superior
technology abandoned by an ignorant populace following a better sales pitch...

Anyway, I've wasted enough bandwidth dealing with this "cinder" (it's really
too feeble to be considered a "flame"...).

Where I am, most people have read the rules and decided that they are a
waste of space. I tend to agree, but would like to play a game or two
before I am certain. The trouble is that the only person I've found who
actually likes the rules and is willing to play is a mental defective (I
probably shouldn't joke about that, cause from my observations, he really
might be...) at the local gaming club.

>From the hundreds of posts to this site about "how do you handle this" and
"how do you
handle that" and "we had to instigate a house rule to cover this" and "we
had to instigate a house rule to cover that", and from the number of folks
who have unsubscribed to this list it certainly sounds like a lot of other
people have reached similar conclusions to my local gaming crowd.

Thanks for answering the question in such detail, and thanks to every one
else who also answered - it has given a bit more to work with.

Received on Fri May 02 1997 - 13:27:13 UTC

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