RE: [Epic] Space Marine Book

From: <oki_at_...>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 19:42:41 +0800

At 11:50 PM 5/11/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I hope the list can forgive this one - it's a little off-topic for the
>list, but as the books have been mentioned a few times recently, I
>thought I could let this one slide in.
>Well, I've just re-read this one. It follows 3 recruits to the Imperial
>Fists chapter, battling against a Governor's inurrection, squats and
>chaos, and finally Hive Fleet Kraken. It's also garbage - the writer
>overdosed on faux-latin and archaic language usually only relied upon by
>the cheesiest of scrabble players. I didn't count the number of times
>"puissant" was used to describe the marines, their equipment, their
>enemies, the architecture or alien vomit.

But it was a pretty Ok yarn wasn't it ? I like the spy fly, Imperial Tarot
card, Genestealers, assassins, Emperor !

I think it is much better than the subsequent Inquisitor trilogy - though
the first book Inquisitor was Ok too. The second book, Harlequin, I am still
trying to get my hand on it. Quite crappy I heard - I understand that quite
a few readers cheered when a Phoenix Lord, Jain Zar killed the Callidus
assassin who was supposed to be a bodyguard of sort to the Inquisitor. And
the Inquisitor team raided the Black Library -phew....

The third book, Chaos Child was way outrageous. It teaches you how to make
Illuminanti (sp?) - people who has been possessed by daemons but was able to
survive the experience. These guys will then supposedly gain a keener
understanding of the warp or something like that :)

Personally the better books are still Deathwing and Space Marine - which
does not mean much when compared to the other two books :P


>One thing though - it paints an utterly hopeless picture for humanity
>facing the tyranid menace. Now I'm not up on the fluff, but how was
>Hive Fleet Kraken turned back?
>If I remember correctly, it wasn't kraken roams human space to the present
day(Whatever that is).The idea of kraken was it attacked in many small
(sorta :) fleets that struck everywhere at once. This made it difficult to
> It's sort of the justification for the Tyranid armies. That help?
> -James
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