Re: [Epic] Q&A 2 (and notes)

From: <PAspin3551_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 16:18:24 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 26/05/97 22:42:00, lado_at_... (David Lado)

>One interesting ramification of this ruiling is that you can stop
>eldar titals from firing with 2 blast markers. It has already been
>stated that only weapons that are in range count for BM's ect. (this
>makes sense.) The problem is that most SHW's have a much greater range.
>This means a Eldar titan with 2 BM's cannot fire unless there is a
>target within 45 cm(Secondary weapon range.) It's even worse if you
>consider a Shadow sword, which has a 60m Dethray and 30 cm piddly guns.
>Actually, Engines of Vaul have the same problem. If anyone can think a
>way around this speak up. >>

That doesnt make sense!

You will end up with situations where the enemy are deliberatly avoiding
going near detachments and titans so that the player cant switch the blast
markers to the less able weapons and fire off the pulsars.
 I dont see how the blast markers suddenly jump from weapon to weapon

Received on Tue May 27 1997 - 20:18:24 UTC

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