[Epic] Re: Holo Field Vs. Lifta-Droppa

From: David Dresser <lemming_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 11:27:24 -0700

Ken Taborek wrote:
> I've got a question for the rulz boyz.
> The Orc Lifta-Droppa doesn't cause a hit. The Eldar halo field
> specifically negates hits on a 2+. So, is the Lifta-Droppa immune to the
> effect of the halo field? I *feel* that it shouldn't be so, but you never
> know.....

Down around the middle of the eldar holo field rules, (p.65 armies book)
where the fluff is mixing pretty thick with the rules it reads "Note
that this save applies to all attacks" and then proceeds to give
examples of attacks that fall into the category of "all".

Which makes sense (he's arguing rules from the fluff.. the emperor's
peace for him!) because the holo fields work by making it hard to target
the vehicle, and the orks aren't exactly known for their superb
targeting devices.

Received on Tue May 27 1997 - 18:27:24 UTC

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