RE: [Epic] Killer Indirect Barrages in E40K

From: Peacekeeper-¡ <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 21:15:12 -0400

At 12:08 PM 6/2/97 +0000, you wrote:
> I was playing my Ultra Marines 160=
0 pt army against an opponents
>1700 pt Tyranid army.

>Any tactiacal advic=

Fliers or IG artillery might help, although the artillery would be pron=
e to
being overrun.

Besides, it's not like the lowered stratagy rating is =
a disadvantage or anything, your still higher. Are there still allying rul=
es? I didn't notice any. I know the imperial armies can allie freely, but =
can you still ally marines with edlar for instance?

Another think, kill th=
e synapse units with super heavy weapons. (You can take land raiders so thi=
s shouldn't be a problem :). This is the only way we've found to stop tyran=
ids, although normally I'd consider targeting stands like this cheesy(for i=
nsctance psycers or commanders)


Received on Tue Jun 03 1997 - 01:15:12 UTC

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