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On Sat 07 Jun, Alan Brain wrote:
> KAYJAY77_at_... wrote:
> > Meanwhile, there seems to be no restriction on Orgryn in Chimerae, but
> as per Terminators, I'd say a house rule of 1 for 2 would be in order.
Hmmm, so your house rule would mean that a Ogryn unit couldn't share a
Chimera with a IG heavy weapon unit, I'm not sure I agree with your house
rule (nothing personal though). I mean two IG heavy weapon units can
share a Chrimera, in spite of the heavy weapons they carry. Using the
logic of your house rule 3 tactical IG units should be able to share a
Chrimera, because they don't occupy as much space as IG heavy
weapon units, who have bigger weapons .
Sean Smith
Home - Seans_at_...
I suspect this house rule comes from 40K. Where a Chimera can carry 1
squad + 1 personality.
A 40K Guard Tactical Squad consists of 10 men as normal
A heavy squad is 6 men with 3 heavy weapons.
A command squad is 4 men + a commander, (and a psyker).
An Ogryn squad is 5 Ogs and a Ratling Squad is 5 Ratlings - but you can
still only get 5 Ratlings in a Chimera.
The personality is a psyker or a commander.
The Ogryns I can understand but the ratlings are little silly.
Received on Fri Jun 06 1997 - 11:39:43 UTC