Re: [Epic] [E40K] Squats -- different list

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+_at_...>
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 12:24:18 -0400 (EDT)

Excerpts from Epic: 8-Jun-97 Re: [Epic] [E40K] Squats --.. by
> The squat thunderers were just like orks stat wise.

Funny... they ended up that way in E40K, too. ^_- Actually, did Squats
have a move of 3? Or was it 4? (My 40K refs are all at home....)

>Their big bonus came
> in the fact that every single little stunty could carry a hvy weapon.

Yup! Actually, I thought it was tons of Hvy. Bolters & 1 other heavy
weapon, but whatever. Incidentally, can Orks now field units of all
HWs? If not, I'd love to know why GW is dropping five shooty boyz to a

> are about the same as dark reapers and wolfguard as far as firepower goes
> but only had armor of 5+ compared to 3+ for the other 2 units.

Probably cheaper, though... and they had a point of toughness on the
DRs, anyway.

>And they
> were VERY slow.

Guess they were 3" move? 'Cause Squats ignored movement penalties for
heavy weapons, I thought?

Anyway, speed was removed as an issue in Epic (IIRC) since the time
scale was different, and over long distances Squats, with more stamina
than other races, could move just as well as other races. (Or something
like that. And yes, I'm pretty sure I read that in a WD, somewhere...
anyone help me out, here?)

                    Aaron Teske
Received on Sun Jun 08 1997 - 16:24:18 UTC

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