Some more Squat Thoughts:
1. In SM1, mention is made of the Squat Jugger=
and, for that matter, the Ork Zeppelin. Neither of
which has made it =
into model form yet. In any case,
there is room for another Squat SHV - a B=
IG one.
2. Talking about Zeppelins, Overlords et al, study
of the bombing =
during WW I by German Zeppelins showed
that their tactic was to slowly appr=
oach the target,
drop their bombs, then due to the release of weight,
zoom =
up more rapidly than fighters of the era could
climb. So the "Zoom Climb af=
ter attack" is not so
unreasonable. It's FAR more reasonable than Gargoyles=
doing it!
And as for dogfighting... I see an Overlord as being
heavily arm=
ed, difficult to damage, but unmanoeuverable.
Thus 1/6 (like a Thawk) or ev=
en 1/8, with an armour of
This leads to WW I style combats of a horde of=
trying deperately to shoot down a Zep, while it in turn
fills the=
m full of holes...
Actually, Id give it an intercept of 0 or even -1 or so=
mething. Also, I'll admit a zep might be able to outclimb a WWI bi-plane, b=
ut jet fighters? Not too likley. Your right, I can't immagine a gargoly doi=
ng it either. Although a gargoyle is small extremly manuverable target. It'=
s at least possible. (I'm mean they are slighly smaller than man sized, pic=
ture a termagant with wings.) They are probably hard to hit. You can't miss=
a blimp :) how about 0/6 or maybe 0/4. Who else things heavily armourd fl=
yers are two powerfull. I've had nightwings shot down by Thunderhawks twice=
. (three nightwings on 1 Hawk, didn't hurt it. Then they get shot down. Eve=
n if they hit it, they'd never destroy it. )
"Your incorrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still rei=
gns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents =
and precepts from the last 10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assu=
mption of all is to assume that we care."
-David Brin, Infinity's Sh=
-----------------------------------------------------James Nugent------=
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Received on Fri Jun 13 1997 - 12:11:05 UTC