Re: [Epic] Question on Tyranid Biotitans

From: <PAspin3551_at_...>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 05:18:15 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 13/06/97 03:48:02, duckrvr_at_... writes:

> I was thinking about this the other night, and I'm
>not sure it's possible. Because WEs are so slow and just
>about all of them have good ranges, a titan-hunter is going
>to have to spend at least 1 turn inside it's target's gun
>ranges. Plus, you can pretty much count on there being
>other detachments nearby, probably on overwatch. Even if
>the hunter survives, chances are it's going to have problems
>moving thanks to suppresion. >>

war engines, especially eldar, are quite fast considering they move 40 cm a
turn and fire at full effect.
 And eldar warlock titan with close combat weapon and pulsar/death weapon is
capable of killing any other titan in the game, one on one, due to the
holofield save and pysker bonus.

Received on Tue Jun 17 1997 - 09:18:15 UTC

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