RE: [Epic] Battle Honors - 1st rewrite

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 11:53:49 -0500

At 07:41 AM 6/17/97 -0400, you wrote:

>.<snip battle honors>
>Nice job, just a few things I was wondering about, but very nice job.
>Bonesingers - +1 to repair rolls (Phantom and Warlock titans add +2)
>Why the differnece? Why not just make them all +2? (Or all +1) I don't
think the original had an such provision. Just wondering.

Just a compromise in the absence of playtesting.

>Very Shouty - WE detachment gains command ability
>This means it operates the same as a supreme commander? If so that's pretty

That's it. Every force has one (except Tyranids, but they do that anyway)

>Chaos tail - Titan gains cc weapon w/o fp (applies to one per honor)
>This may be a bit much, how about insist that they model it. Or maybe make
it a weaker CC weapon. Automaticly causes a critical if you wint and +6AF or
something like that.

I'll consider it. I just didnt' want it to be a whole new weapon slot for free.

>I think these should be done as percentages. For instance a battle honor
cost 1/6 of the points cost of a unit per unit. (That seemed to be the
pattern you were using). For instace it costs a phantom titan 100 points on
a 380 point unit or almost 25 percent, while for a warlord the cost is a bit
over 1/6. (100/555? No calculator handy.) Thus a percentage, or fraction
like 1/6 seems fair.

I was trying to stay away from detailed math, but these are just
recommendations for house rules, so do what you want.

>How about no honor may be bought more than once per battle. I was picturing
orks with the 'Very Shouty' honor. Or someone buying tail for all their
chaos titans, which now cannot be engaged in CC. Maybe have people buy
random honors in stead of picking. I'd like to do a game where you give
every war machine 1 random honor. Maybe limit the number of war machines
before hand.

Again, they are meant to be used as you wish. They came from campaign
rules, and I think that would be the best way to use them.


Received on Tue Jun 17 1997 - 16:53:49 UTC

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