Below is my revised opinions IG units & tactics.
Imperial guard squads - Point for point 107% of the fire power
of marines on over watch
- Point for point 71% of marines assualt value
- armour 3 vs marines armour 5
- lower morale
Advice - Never have any of them in your army
Ratling Squads - Point for point 94% of the fire power of marines on
- Point for point 63% of marines assualt value
- armour 3 vs marines armour 5
- lower morale
- have infiltrate
Advice - Use only where necessary particularly important to
secure ground before the enemy does or delay the enemys
Ogryn Squads - Point for point 200% of marines assault value
- Point for point 75% of marines firepower, if the marines
are on over watch
- 50% of marines range
- same armour value
Advice - Take as many of squads of them as you can, as supports.
With infantry detachments make all your IG squads heavy
weapon squads and take nine ogryn squads as supports.
Rough Rider squads - Point for point 75% of the fire power
of marines on over watch
- 100% of marines assualt value when charging
- armour value 4 vs marines 5
- lower morale
Advice - take 2 detachments max, as a mobile reverse to protect
your artillery or bolster up section of the
battlefield where you are under pressure.
Sentinels - For 160 points you will get 20 sentinels vs 16 Rough Riders
- Sentinels have point for point 62% of assault value
of rough Riders or marines (in the situation sentinels 20,
Rough Riders 32).
- Sentinels have 30cm vs 15cm for Rough Riders
- Sentinels have point for point 62% of the firepower
of Rough Riders and 32% of marines on overwatch.
- Sentinels same the speed as RoughRiders, except
when the Rough Riders charge (then the Rough
Riders are 50% faster) and 200% the speed of
- They have the armour same as Rough Riders.
Advice - Sentinels are the poor cousins of Rough Riders.
their only advantage being that you get 25%
more than Rough Riders, so they have a slightly
greater survivability. My advice is avoid them
like the plague.
Hellhound Flame Tanks - Point for point 42% of marines assault value
- Point for point 188% of marines firepower
on over watch
- Point for point 125% of marines assault value,
if the Hellhounds are providing close support.
- 50% of marines range
- same armour value
- lower morale
Advice - take them as a armour detachment, and bring these
detachments close up behind infantry detachments
to provide fire support and close support for
infantry assualts
Heavy Weapon Squads - Point for point 107% of ordinary marines firepower of
on over watch. 142% Devastor marines firepower
- Point for point 36% of marines assault value
- armour 3 vs marines armour 5
- lower morale
- 150% ordinary marines range
Advice - Always only take heavy weapons squads as the main
force in IG Infantry detachments and 9 Ogryns
squads as support
Heavy Artillery - Point for point 50% of ordinary marines frepower on
overwatch (assuming an average of two units under the barrage
- Fires indirect
- Range 300% of ordinary marines
Advice - artillery the main strength IG armies, you should take
at least 2 detachments. A nasty trick is to use your
artillery preparatory bombardment to strip enemy
war engine shields away, leaving them exposed
to firepower by your troops. Apart from think artillery as
mobile fire support for any part of your force that
under pressure. Your main worry with artillery is
bikes and jetbikes attacking the artillery, as aircraft
can be dealt with by hydras and you normally should
have enough artillery crush an enemy artillery.
Other Artillery - I don't take Griffons because their range is to short and
I don't take siege artillery because of their minimum range
and because they every other turn, which means equal, over
two turns their firepower that normal barrages.
Support Weapons - Point for point they fire 34% more anti-tank shoots
than Landraiders
- They have infiltrate
- The same range as Landraiders
- 10cm speed compared to a Landraiders 20cm
- 0 assault value
- Their armour is 4+ vs 6+ for Landraiders
Advice - These are great little weapons, allowing the IG to
compensate for the weakness of other anti-vehicle
direct fire weapons. One possible tactic is to put them
as far in front of your force as possible. Their range
combine with their position should mean that enemy troops
in transports will be forced dismount in the first turn
, or risk being destroyed in their transports by your
support weapons. Don't worry if they get destroyed
carrying out this tactic, their primary purpose is
slow enemy, by forcing dismount this troops. This
gives your artillery more time pound his troops.
These weapons provide great supporting fire if you
against enemy units in buildings, forests etc. Because
cover doesn't count againist anti-tank weapons. So you
can use a detachment which say is a combination
of heavy weapon troops and support weapons to pound
at enemy strong point for a turn or two, to reduce the
enemy units. Before sending in the Ogryns for the
final assault.
hydra - best AA around, they should normally allow you to keep enemy air power
at bay. A shame about its range.
Advice- Take enough to piss your enemy off, but not so many that you unbalance
your army.
Leman Russ - Point for point 27% of the firepower of landraiders, 94% of
marine devastors firepower and 68% of firepower of IG
heavy weapon troops
- Assault value 16% of marines point for point
- Assualt value 46% of landraiders point for point
- Armour 6 vs 5 for marines
Advice - They will lose hands down to units armed with anti-tanks weapons
in firefights. However their advantage is their ability inflict
blast markets. Their greater mobility and higher armour
value enable you to use them to attack enemy troops that would
aren't in range of your more static heavy weapons troops. It
also means that they are very useful when you are on attack.
Chrimea - Assault value 36% of marines point for point.
- Point for point firepower 54% of marines on overwatch
Demolisher - Assualt value 22% of marines point for point
- Firepower 136% of marines on overwatch point for point
- Close support 91% of marines point for point
- Armour 6 vs 5 for marines
Advice - They play the same role as hellhounds, basically swapping higher
armour value for slower speed (Demoliser move 15cm vs hellhounds
20cm) lower assault value and lower firepower. I would take
hellhounds in preference to demolishers, always.
Armies Overall strengths and weakness
Strengths - Ogryns assualt ability
- hellhounds close support
- Hydra anti aircraft ability
- Artillery
- Support Weapons
Weakness - lack of mobile long range direct fire capability vs vehicles
(i.e the Leman Russ vs the Landraider)
- Weakness of fast attack forces (i.e point for point marine
bikes and jetbikes far superior to Rough Riders)
- Slow speed of infnatry transports (the marines have drop pods
and thunderhawks, the eldar have vampires, the orks can hitch
a left and it doesn't reduce their battlewagons movement etc)
Tactical Advice
Defence -
Set up clear lanes of fire and mow the enemy down with fire from IG heavy weapon squads.
Use artillery to: one, to slow the enemy down so your IG heavy weapons can get more
shoots of at the enemy; two, provide fire support for sectors of your battleline under
threat; three, strip shields off enemy war engines; four, pound enemy artillery into
the dust, if the enemy is silly enough to take artillery when opposing a IG army. Also
Ratling can positioned slow the enemy advance, in this role your not really worried if
they hold the ground they occupie or survive, just that they slow the enemy down.
Once the enemy is softened up enough spend in the Ogryns supported by hellhounds. Once
a positioned is secured then bring the heavy weapons to hold it and providing covering
for the Ogyrns as they attack the next objectivity.
Attack -
Best to do a slow rubbling attack if possible, with artillery softening up
opposition before attacks by Ogryns and Hellhounds. Ratling useful for taking
important pieces of ground and holding it (with the support of artillery) until
support arrives.
Main Threats
- Thunderhawks, droppods, vampires
The best way to counter them is have lots of Hydras
- marine bikes, jet bikes
make sure they can't get to your artillery without being fired on by IG heavy weapon
first. If possible have Ogyns in front of the artillery, blocking the enemies ways,
this doesn't work with jetbikes of course.
Sean Smith
Home - Seans_at_...
Received on Sat Jun 21 1997 - 07:03:07 UTC