[Epic] E40K-Alternate Forms

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 15:48:11 -0500

        Alright, we know there's a computer game in the
works. Any interest/anticipation in it? Would you prefer a
scenario/campaign lock-in like SOTHR was, or would you
prefer a more "toy-box" approach with a scenario editor?
I don't think a computer version would replace the mini's,
but imagine if they had a "here's your points-pick your
units" type setup with terrain options, and had internet
/modem play. Opens up some possibilities...
        Second, has anyone heard any whisper of a
Collectable Card Game based on any GW game? Is it
just me or does it seem that a company slammed as
money-grubbers on a regular basis is missing a chance
here ? CCG's aren't quite as dominant as they were, but
even marginal games still sell out quickly. The Battletech
 CCG ( I am using the closest example I can think of...)
sold out and is working on a second expansion set. Surely
a 40K universe game would do at least as well. Would
anyone here buy it ? I'm not that into CCG's, but considering
the amount of hype, shelf space, and money they have
soaked up, I'm surprised we haven't seen one yet.
Anyone know of any official responses?

Chris Miller
Received on Mon Jun 23 1997 - 20:48:11 UTC

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