Re: [Epic] Firefights

From: David Lado <lado_at_...>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 1997 21:20:12 -0400 (EDT)

>LOS IS required for a firefight.

There was a Q&A question to JJ about this. For what it's worth, here's
the answer he gave:\

>5) During shooting, the rules specifically state thet a unit needs a line
>of sight to at least part of the target detachment in order to participate.
>There is no such statement in the rules for lending assistance in an
>assault or firefight.
> a)Does a unit need to have LOS in order to participate in a
> firefight, or does it only need to be within 15cm of the enemy
> detatchement?
> b)Does a unit need LOS in order to lend support to an assault, or just
> satisfy the 15cm criteria?
>P: NO LOS is required in either case. For firefights and assaults we assume
>that there is considerable movement going on which is not represented on
>the tabletop, and that if a unit wants a shot, it will get one!

Received on Mon Jun 30 1997 - 01:20:12 UTC

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