[Epic] Vehicle crew sizes? -Reply

From: <CLL_at_...>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 14:13:45 +0000

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Quick question here:

Where can you find out what how many permanent crew are associated
with the various vehicles in E40K? The relevant Codexes?



Yes. That is a good stsrting point.
However as a rule of thumb, vehicle crews tend to be 1 driver + 1 gunner
for each major weapon system.
For example:- a Leman russ has five crew.
1 Lascannon Gunner
1 Battlecannon Gunner/Commander
2 Sponson Gunners
1 Driver
The storm bolter often fitted to such vehicles does not count as a major
weapon system.

Received on Thu Jul 10 1997 - 14:13:45 UTC

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