RE: [Epic] deathstrikes

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 07:30:49 -0400

Well, the main problem is that they're a Titan weapon on a vehicles with
no drawbacks compared to the other Titan weapons on vehicles. Heavy
Barrages, for example, can only fire every other turn on vehicles vs.
every turn on Titans; the Mega-Cannon costs twice as much as the
Deathstrike or any Heavy Arty. Offhand, since only allowing the
Deathstrike to fire every other turn just plain doesn't work, I'd say
increase the points cost. How much? I dunno, but this might open some

Ok, i'm confused. What would allowing a 1 shot weapon to only fire every other turn accomplish? It only fires once anyway.
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"You assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and precepts from the last 10 million years."
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                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
-----------------------------------------------------James Nugent----------------------------------------

Received on Wed Jul 23 1997 - 11:30:49 UTC

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