> We could play PBM! We devide the list into sides, everyone designs a
> 5=
0,000 pt army (we would need to decide the bad guys) and off we go.
> That =
wouldn't take more than a couple of years/decades. And it's
> not moving t=
hat'd kill you, it's the fire phase...
> Actually, it'd be kinda cool. W=
e could field whole divisions of IG
> and entire pre-heresy marine legions =
(alright, the blood angles
> this turn, all 10000 of 'em).
> I'd =
think it would Imperium and Allies against the bad guys!
(Imp/tech Guard + =
Marines +Eldar vs Chaos+Orks with the tyranids
thrown in as a wild card.) =
I wonder if this entire list has a million
> Deploy something like =
> Tyranid | Allies |Chaos + Ork
> The Last Alliance or Battle =
of the 6 Armies. If we could pull it off
I bet we'd get a mention in white =
> (Wish I had that many guys. Probably got about 8K for E40K)
exactly do you people PBM? (I asume it means play by mail)
, I'll supply the Thrygan and Alseif IG regiments.
No clue how you would p=
lay epic by E-mail. Stand placement is much more important in E40K vs 2Ed s=
o it would be difficult.(Because of CC and FF)
"Your incorrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still r=
eigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by precedent=
s and precepts from the last 10 million years."
"But your most incorrect as=
sumption of all is to assume that we care."
-David Brin, Infinity's =
-----------------------------------------------------James Nugent----=
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Received on Wed Jul 23 1997 - 16:11:01 UTC