RE: [Epic] Tactic Critique

From: Philip Troy Routley <ptr320_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 17:35:49 -0600 (CST)

>>>Firestorms: the only effective flak unit because of the 45 cm range;
>>>and they are perfectly capable of exploding ground targets, also.
>>They are real expensive, and Hydras are actually better against most
>>fliers. I did an analysis of this once. A hydra has a better chance
>>to hit a flyer with 5+ armour, but they firestorm has a better chance
>>of a kill.
>Oh, sure, just put a negative spin on everything :). The hydra is,
>arguably, a better dedicated AA platform. However, the hydra can
>double as a 45 cm pop-up-choose-any-target tank killer. This means
>you can move it on the board 20-30 cm (or more), put it on "!" orders
>the next turn, and if no targets present themselves, you can snipe
>enemy units on the other half of the board. Try doing that with
>with a hydra. They cost the same as a land-raider and are more
>versatile. If I had access to them (what's an AT shot?), I would
>field them as tank killers and use their Flak ability as a bonus.

If you put them on Flak orders (!), you cannot fire in the shooting phase.
Of course, you don't have to give them flak orders until after your
opponent declares flyer missions.

Received on Thu Jul 24 1997 - 23:35:49 UTC

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