As promised I've massively updated my Xoomweb page. The changes are listed
Adeptus Titanicus Rules
-Fixed spelling errors
-Corrected all uncapitalized 'Titan' references
-Fixed the headers that were screwed by Word >:/
-Printed as Adobe PDF File
Codex Titanicus Rules
-Extensive spelling corrections
-Formatting modications (not finished)
-Laid out for graphics (tomorrow!)
-Printed as Adobe PDF File
Space Marine
-No changes yet >:/
-Scans of sticker sheet from Space Marine (originally from Scott Shupes
site but included for completeness)
-Scans of Titan banners (also from Scotts site)
-Reference sheets! Now you have the stats for the units in AT/SM! There
you go Weasel! Also in PDF form!
Space Hulk 1st Edition Rules
-Very minor spelling corrections
-PDF format!
-PDF format!
House Rules
-Printed as PDF!
This weekend is "Titanicus Weekend Monster Mash" so expect a revised Space
Marine text (in PDF) and images for Codex Titanicus (and nicer ones for
Adeptus Titanicus).
--Coming Soon--
-Close Combat Cards
-Titan Data Sheets
-Images for Codex Titanicus
-Images for Space Marine
-New (much nicer looking) images for Adeptus Titanicus
As you may be able to tell I got a working PDF writer at home finally!!
Strangely enough its included with the crappy Adobe Photodeluxe program!
Installed it then deleted it to get the Writer. Just "print" to the writer
from Word97 and voila!
Kenneth Peters
NetEpic Idea Rat
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Received on Sat Mar 20 1999 - 22:51:16 UTC