[NetEpic ML] Heresy Rules Part II

From: Peter Ramos <pramos1_at_...>
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 10:53:51 +0000

Combat Phase

Most of the action happens in this phase. Everything from firing to
assaults occurs and is resolved during the combat phase.

Target selection and line of sight

Units are activated one at a time in alternating fashion with your
opponent. The winner of the combat phase initiative may select the first
unit to fire. Initiative is determined by rolling a D10 and adding the
leader�s leadership rating.

Once a unit is activated it may fire at any enemy unit in range of its
weapons that is in line of sight of the firing unit. At least half the
model has to be visible to be considered in line of sight. Use a cord or
tape measure to settle if a model is indeed in line of sight.

Although the play may select any unit as a target certain unit skills
may make this difficult or impossible (skills and their effects are
fully explained under Unit Skills).

You may not pre-measure the distance between your unit and your opponent
models. If after measuring you find that you fall short of the weapons
maximum range than the unit firing spends its shots and the turn ends
for them.

Fire and damage resolution

Before going into the actual mechanics lets review some important
concepts involved in firing.

Accuracy- this is the �to hit� number for that model with a given
weapon. Note that this characteristic indicates how good a model is
firing that weapon. The same weapon in the hands of other less trained
troops will be less effective (reflected in a lower accuracy
characteristic). The accuracy is dependent on the user not the weapon.

Armor value- represents the amount of protection a model has. It ranges
from 1-10. Higher values affording greater protection. A shot that
penetrates the armor usually eliminates the model.

Weapons have three vital characteristics involved with firing:

Firepower- a measure of �how much� ordinance a weapon can fire at one
pull of the trigger or push of the button. Each point of firepower is
one D10 the player gets to roll to see if he hits the target (using the
model�s accuracy characteristic).

Penetration- is an index of the weapons capability to punch through
armor. This is expressed as a number 1-3. This indicates the amount of
dice rolled by the weapon to see if it penetrates.

Range- this represents the effective distance a weapon can do damage.
Note the ordinance probably travels a lot farther than the range
indicated, but after the maximum range indicated the effect is
negligible. All ranges are written as A/B. Where �A� is short range with
no firing penalty and �B� is long range (incurring in a �2 penalty to

Once the player determines that his selected target is in range
determine how much firepower the weapons the unit is armed with allots.
This is the total amount of dice you�ll roll to see if you hit. The
target number used is the same as the firing unit�s accuracy


A unit of 4 space marines stands fires at a unit of 8 orks stands. Each
marine stand is armed with bolters that have a firepower value of 1.
This gives the marine player 4 dice in total to shoot with. To see if it
hit the target number is the space marine�s accuracy that is a 6. The
marine player rolls a 1, 5, 6 and 7. The marine player gets two hits
since only two die rolls are equal to or exceed the target number of 6.
No modifiers are applied to the roll because the units were in the short
range of the weapons.

Once the amount of hits are determined we must determine if damage
occurs. All weapons have a penetration value associated to it. This
number tells you how many d10�s you will roll to attempt to penetrate
the target�s armor. If the penetration die�s score is equal to or
exceeds the armor value the armor is penetrated and the model removed.


The space marine player has inflicted two hits on the ork player. The
penetration value of a bolter is 1. The armor value of the ork is 3. The
marine player rolls ONE D10 and rolls a 5. Since a roll of 5 is greater
than the orks armor of 3 the armor is penetrated and the ork stand is
eliminated. Had the marine player rolled a 1 or 2 the orks armor would
have deflected the shot causing no damage.

Units may fire all their weapon in the same activation if they have more
than one weapon system (like most vehicles). When firing at units with a
mixed composition (infantry mixed with vehicles) the player firing must
nominate what unit type he�s firing at.

Reaction Fire

Units that may attempt to interdict the movement of enemy units as they
move in the movement phase. The player may interrupt the opponents move
at any point and declare reaction fire. Once declared the player must
pass a quality check to be able to fire. If the check is failed the
shots are lost and the unit counts as activated for the turn (may not
fire later). Units can reaction fire on prepared fire orders only.

If the unit fired upon suffers casualties due to reactionary fire it
must make a successful quality check to continue its movement or
otherwise remain at the point where the fire occurred.

Template weapons

There are direct fire weapons that do not use firepower, but a template
to resolve fire. Place these templates from the shooting unit to its
intended target. All units at least half under the template may be
potentially hit. Due to the large area that these weapons cover they
usually receive bonuses in assault combat and negate the penalties and
bonuses to the target associated with cover. Weapons that have these
special effects will be noted in their description

Firing Arc

The firing arc depends on what type of mount it is placed upon. There
are several mount types in the game:

Turret- weapons mounted on a turret have a firing arc of 360 degrees

Swivel mount- this mount affords a 90-degree forward firing arc from the
side the weapons on.

Fixed mount- the weapon may fire in a 45-degree angle in its forward
arc. Fixed mounts on a grav type vehicle have their firing arc increased
to 90-degrees due to maneuverability.

Side and Rear Armor

Units designated as armored vehicles usually have the most armor in
their front arc. Armor values for the side and rear have their armor
value reduced by 2. Air attacks are considered to hit the top of the
vehicle and the armor is the same as the side and rear (-2 penalty to


An obstacle to a clear shot is defined as cover. There are many types of
cover and they all have varying effects on the shooter as well as the
units in the cover.

Soft cover- represents cover where the obstacle is not of very resilient
material (woods, brush, etc.) to firepower or covers a small portion of
the target (craters, rubble, etc.). Soft cover confers a �1 penalty to
the shooter�s accuracy roll and +1 to the target�s armor value.

Hard Cover- provided by substantial barrier to fire where most of the
target is not seen or the material is of sufficient resilience
(buildings). Hard cover confers a �2 penalty to the shooter�s accuracy
and a +2 bonus to its armor value.

Fortified cover- these are purposely built cover for use in battle type
conditions (trenches, pillboxes, forts, etc.). Fortified cover confers a
�3 penalty to the shooter�s accuracy and a +3 bonus to the target�s
armor value.

All cover penalties are cumulative with weapon range penalties or
penalties from other sources (like psychics and such).

If penalties of any kind reduce accuracy to a score greater than 10 a
hit can still be obtained. For every point over ten the accuracy goes
beyond is translated to a +1 to the targets armor save. A hit is only
accomplished on a roll of 10 and the target gets an increased armor


Imperial Guard with an accuracy characteristic of 8 attacks a unit of
orks in a fortified bunker. As a fortified position the IG stands
receive a �3 penalty to their accuracy meaning they need an 11 to
inflict hits. They can still inflict a hit on a roll of ten, but the
orks receive an extra +1 to their armor value (cumulative with the
bonuses they receive from the fortification itself). In this example, if
hit, the orks would have an armor value of 7 (orks have an armor value
of 3 + 3 from the fortification + 1 due to an accuracy of the shooters
of 11 = 7).


Suppression is the act of limiting the enemy�s range of motion and
activities due to a large amount of ordinance being hurled its way. Note
that suppression is not synonymous with casualties. In fact no
casualties need be inflicted to cause suppression. The act of massive
firepower to pin down the enemy is the essence of suppression.

Heresy deals with suppression in a simple manner using the following

Suppression = total firepower dice > number of models in target unit

This holds to the assumption that when a unit can muster enough
individual firepower dice that exceeds the amount of actual models in
the target unit it can effectively suppress it. This means that large
units need to have directed at them more firepower to suppress it than a
smaller unit.

Note that no hits need be inflicted to cause suppression. The simple act
of firing at the unit will cause suppression if the above equation is

Suppression can be modified by unit skills. Space Marines for example
cause a lot more suppression than their standard fire allows (rapid
fire), thus smaller marine units can suppress much larger units with
less firepower. Also weapons that are better for anti-tank roles are
less likely to cause suppression to infantry and therefore suffer a
suppression loss for their given firepower dice. All these skills and
designations are fully described under Unit skills below.

A unit that is successfully suppressed may not move and receives a �1 to
its accuracy and assault value until the suppression is lifted.
Suppression removal is not automatic. In the end phase each unit so
affected must roll a quality check to �shrug off� the effects of
suppression. The unit may act normally in the next turn unless
suppressed again.

A unit may be �suppressed� multiple times by incoming fire in the same
turn by the same unit that originally caused it or other units. Every
time suppression occurs add a suppression chit. The effects of
suppression do not increase with additional chits added. What does
happen is that there is an associated quality check penalty dependent on
the amount of suppression chits the unit has on it.

When rolling a quality check consult the following table that lists the
penalty to the check as per amount of chits the unit has.

Number of chits on unit Quality check penalty
0 No check
1-3 0
4-6 -1
7-9 -2
10+ -3

If the quality check with the penalties is successful ALL chits are
removed. If not chits remain in place.

Suppression and Cover

Cover will effect suppression since it blocks the firepower that causes
suppression. Units armed with anti-infantry weapons cause suppression to
units in any cover at half their total firepower.

Units with anti-tank skill use their full firepower die total to
determine suppression versus targets in cover.

Assault combat: Engaging

Assault combat occurs when one or more units using charge orders has
made close contact with enemy units. Assault combat is a brutal and
deadly affair where the units assault strengths are compared. All models
have an assault value that serves as an indicator to how powerful they
are in assault and how difficult they are to overcome during assault

A unit may move up to its charge move to engage an enemy unit. Two units
are considered engaged when at least half (rounded up) the total number
of models in the unit can reach base to base contact. If this provision
is meet assault combat takes place. Note that models of the unit that is
engaged that didn�t reach base to base contact are also considered
engaged. The unit must take the shortest most direct route possible to


A clan of 8 orks charges a platoon of 5 Imperial Guardsmen. The ork
player measures the distance between them and finds 5 ork stands can
reach base to base contact with the IG stands. Since 5 stands is more
than half the total model strength of the unit, the whole unit is
considered engaged.

Units that are engaged in assault combat contribute their full assault
value to the resolution of assault combat. Units that are within 15cm of
engaged units may support assault combat, but they only contribute 1
point per stand or model to the resolution of assault combat, regardless
of actual assault value.

Note that unit skills and abilities may modify a models assault value or
damage inflicted. These are fully described under Unit Skills.

Assault combat resolution

Once all units that have decided to engage have been determined each
player will:

1. Calculate the assault advantage score. The assault advantage score is
the sum of all the assault values of every model engaged in assault
combat plus 1 point per every model/stand within 15cm that is supporting
combat. Apply any other applicable bonuses
2. Calculate the assault bonus. The assault bonus is the difference
between both players
Assault advantage score. Subtract the lower score to the higher score to
obtain the bonus. This bonus is awarded to the player who had the
highest modified assault advantage score. This bonus is applied to the
casualty points roll.
3. Determine casualty points by rolling a D10 and adding any bonus as
applicable. The
amount of points determined is used to �purchase� casualties. Each
player removes a total of models/stands equal to the casualty point
total. Models �cost� a number of casualty points equal to their assault
value characteristic. Each player decides how to allocate his opponents
casualty points on his forces. In this manner players may absorb losses
with weaker troops to defend stronger troops.
4. The player that suffered the most casualties must make a quality
check for every unit
Involved in the assault.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 until all enemy units have fled or been destroyed.


An ork player has 3 units of 8 ork boys each. A marine player is on the
defense with two units of 4 marines each. The ork player charges the
marine player with 2 units while the third is within 15cm of the engaged
troops and will act as support. The marine�s assault value is 4 and the
orks assault value is 2.

Each player determines his assault advantage score. The orks have 16
stands engaged in assault so they add their full assault value for a
total of 32 points (assault value 2 x 16 stands) plus 8 points for the
supporting unit (1 point per stand, unit has 8 stands), totaling 40

The marine players assault advantage score is 32 points (assault value 4
x 8 stands).

The assault bonus is 8 (ork players score minus the marine players score
40-32=8). Since the ork player had the higher assault advantage score he
receives the bonus (the marine player gets no bonus).

Each player determines the casualty points by rolling a D10 and adding
any bonus. The ork player fumbles and rolls a 1, while the marine player
rolls an 8. The total modified roll for the orks is 9 (1 + 8 as the
bonus = 9). It remains at 8 for the marines.

Each player will allocate the damage down to his by his opponent. In
this example all troop types are the same on each side so there is no
decision to be made. Had it been a mixed unit the players can pick and
choose which units to remove.

Orks �cost� 2 points to destroy because their assault value is 2.
Marines are worth 4 points. The ork player destroys 2 marine stands
(each at 4 points) for a total of 8 points spent. The remaining point is
insufficient to cause any damage and is discarded. The marine player
destroys 4 ork stands (2 points each) for a total of eight points.
Casualties are removed.

Since the ork player suffered more casualties he must roll a quality
check for every unit engaged in assault combat to see if they remain.

Continue the steps above until one side has been wiped out or fled.

Assaulting units in cover

Units receiving a charge who are in some sort of cover have an advantage
over the attackers. The advantage depends on the cover present. This is
due to the fact the overcoming of the obstacle to engage the unit will
depend on how well the obstacle protects those lurking there. Jumping
over a couple of bushes to engage an enemy is somewhat troublesome, but
it can�t compare with engaging units in buildings or fortifications.

Soft cover- each defender receives a +1 to his assault value

Hard cover- each defender receives a +2 to his assault value

Fortified cover- defenders assault value is doubled

If the terrain piece is large enough for both attacker and defender to
fit in then both sides receive the bonus. Individual models in units may
receive the bonus even if other in the unit do not.

Assaulting units on first fire orders

Attacking units that are ready to rain defensive fire on you as you
close is generally not a good idea. In some do or die circumstances it
may be necessary.

Charging units make wonderful targets. Units on prepared fire orders
that are engaged in close combat may fire all their weapons at the
incoming troops with a +2 bonus to their accuracy roll. Casualties are
removed and survivors may then fight assault combat.

Withdrawing from assault combat

A player may voluntarily decide to disengage from combat. This is a
tricky and dangerous gamble. First the unit must make a successful
quality check. If it is made the unit may move up to its charge move
away from the combat. Unfortunately the opponent may attempt to gun them
down as they withdraw. The opponent may immediately fire one or more
units at the withdrawing unit at point blank range (+2 to accuracy

If the check is failed the unit remains in assault combat and has its
quality level reduced by one level.

End Phase

This phase is mainly to clean up things in preparation for the next
turn. Several major things happen in this phase:

Quality checks: for removing suppression markers, rallying troops and
checks for broken troops.

Checks for titan and shield repair.


Removal of psychic effect counters

Determination of winner

Once the end phase is over and a winner hasn�t been declared proceed to
the next turn.


Units do not wander aimlessly across the battlefield in war. Invariably
troops need commanders to lead them and guide the army to victory. Units
designated as commanders have an additional characteristic called

Leadership represent the commander�s effectiveness in inspiring his
troops as wells as his command and control over the units he commands.
Leadership ratings range from 1-10. The higher the leadership the more
efficient the commander.

Two main factors are derived from the leadership characteristic. These

Command radius- is determined by multiplying the leadership
characteristic by 5cm. This means that all the units it commands must be
within this distance to consider themselves �within command� distance.
Units outside this radius are out of command and suffer penalties to
their quality.


An ork nob has a leadership of 4. His command radius is 20cm (leadership
4 x 5cm). For units to benefit from the leader�s command and control
abilities they must be within this radius.

Leadership bonus- this is a bonus that the leader confers to his troops
within his command radius as a bonus to their quality checks. This is
also the bonus used by players to determine initiative in the different
phases. The table below shows the bonus according to leadership.

Leadership Bonus
1-3 0
4-6 +1
7-9 +2
10 +3

Commanders usually form small units with supporting staff that form part
of the command unit. Command radius can be measured from any of these
stands and not necessarily the actual commander.

These extra units also provide protection against fire since they will
attempt to screen the commander. Any time the unit is under fire and
takes casualties the player may remove these supporting staff models
instead of the actual commander (look out sir!).

Note that there is no restriction on targeting command units, but
usually they will have the stealth unit skill (described under unit
skills) that will make actually hitting them very difficult.

Units that are outside the commander radius of control immediately
suffer the loss of one or more levels or quality. The race or army will
determine the exact number in question. Also the units no longer receive
the leadership bonuses they would otherwise get when within command

When the commander is lost through fire or quality checks (as in routed
state) all the units are considered out of command. They remain so until
they can be reassigned to another leader.

Commanders have a finite ability in regards to how many units they can
command. Each race�s description and army lists will state what those
limits are. They may command units up to that limit and may not exceed
it. Commander that have not reached their maximum allotment of units to
command can command units during battle that have lost their commander
by getting within command radius range of the unit.


All models possess a Quality characteristic that is a combination of the
units training and will to fight. Each unit�s quality is expressed in
three levels as follows:


Each level is associated with a target number that is used as the unit�s
quality at that level.


An Imperial Guard infantry stand has a quality profile of 6/8/10. This
means that the quality of at a fresh level is 6, 8 at the fatigued level
and 10 and the routed level.

Depending on the scenario played or players desire troops may begin a
battle at lower levels of quality.

Each level of quality is associated with specific penalties that impact
the unit�s performance. These are:

Fresh state- is usual starting level of troops. Units act normally and
receive no penalties to act.

Fatigued- Unit is somewhat shaken and tired. All models in unit receive
a �1 to their accuracy and assault value. They may not initiate assault

Routed- The unit has suffered a devastating blow to their morale and has
momentarily lost all combat effectiveness. The unit will move at their
strategic move rate towards the players table edge. They may not fire
and engage in assault combat Routed units engaged in assault combat are
destroyed. If they are not rallied they continue to move off the board
and if do so are considered destroyed.

A quality check is made by rolling a D10 that is equal to or higher than
the target number for that level of quality. If successful the negative
effects are averted. If failed the unit loses one or more levels of
quality depending on the penalty the situation imposes. A quality
counter is used to indicate levels below fresh state.


An IG stand (6/810) is required to make a quality check after suffering
casualties in assault combat. It is currently in fresh state. The roll
is a 5. Since the roll of 5 is less than the target number for the fresh
state (6) the IG stand loses a quality level (reduced to fatigued) and
abandons combat.

Any unit on routed orders that fails an additional check required of it
is considered destroyed and removed from play (Count them as

Situations that require quality checks

It usually requires a strong event or performing a special maneuver in
the heat of combat to provoke a check. Following is a list of the most
common situations that require a quality check.

1. Spotting for artillery
2. Charging enemy in hard or fortified cover or on first fire orders
3. In assault combat round after suffering more casualties than the
4. Reaction fire
5. To continue moving after suffering casualties from reaction fire.
6. Charged by units that cause fear and horror
7. Psychic attacks
8. Assaulting units that cause fear and horror
9. Assaulted or assaulting titans
10. Unit has reached break point
11. Each turn casualties occur after break point is reached.

Most checks are taken immediately after the situation occurs. The
exceptions are 10 and 11, which are taken in the end phase.


A commander may attempt to rally any unit that is at a fatigued level of
lower in the end phase. It may rally a number of units equal to its
command bonus. To rally the player must roll a D10 and roll equal to or
higher than the unit�s current quality level target number. The
commander may add its command bonus to this roll.


An IG unit has had enough of combat and has fallen to routed status
(target number 10). A nearby commissar (leadership 7) tries to rally
them. It rolls a D10 and gets an 8. The player adds the commissar�s
command bonus of +2 for a modified score of 10. The IG unit stops its
headlong run and is now at fatigued status.

Rallying is not a action without risk. Any attempt to rally where the
roll is a natural one (a roll of one on the die without any modifiers)
means that further quality loss has occurred. The so affected unit will
lose an additional quality level, if this makes it go beyond routed
level the unit collapses and is removed from the tabletop as casualties.

On the positive side a natural roll of 10 on any attempt to rally has
produced an inspirational effect on the unit. The unit�s quality level
will raise to fresh state regardless of its current level.

Unit Skills

These are special perks and abilities some of the units may possess to
enhance combat performance. Listed below are the common skills seen and
their effect on game play. Additional skills will be added in the army
list to enhance the character of each race.

Stealth- the unit has jamming devices, camouflage and other equipment
in order to pass undetected. Units that wish to fire at a unit with
stealth must roll a D10 versus the opponent�s D10 roll. If it is higher
than the opponent�s roll the unit may fire at it normally. If the check
is failed the unit loses its fire for the turn and counts as activated.
Leader or psykers may add their leadership or power characteristic as a
bonus to the roll.

Light vehicle- these represent very agile fast attack vehicles such as
bikes and landspeeders. Due to speed and agility all incoming fire is at
a �2 to the shooter�s accuracy. On the downside these vehicles are
vulnerable to anti-infantry weapons.

Armored Vehicle- these are units that are encased in armor and usually
not open topped. The units are immune to anti-infantry weapons. Note
that a unit need not be an actual vehicle to receive this skill since
titans and knights may also have it.

Rapid fire- the units firepower dice are double for the purpose of
determining suppression.

Sniper- unit is trained in hunting for priority targets such as
commanders and other units with stealth. In order to successfully target
a unit with stealth it needs to win a straight D10 roll off against the
target. The target receives none of its usual bonuses. If the sniper
wins the roll it may target the command unit. This does not by pass the
�look out sir!� ability.

Stubborn- these units have a high degree of motivation to get the job
done. Once per turn they may re-roll one failed quality check.

Close support- units with close support add their FULL assault value to
an assault combat when they are within 15cm of one, instead of the
standard 1 point.

Recon Unit- recon units receive a +2 to their quality checks for
spotting for artillery, reaction fire and continued movement if hit by
reaction fire. Scattered distances for artillery are halved.

Jump packs- troops with jump packs ignore terrain modifiers and move 50%
faster per their given orders. It negates the defender�s bonuses for
assault combat in soft and hard cover (not fortified).

Hero- these units may move and act independently of a command unit.
Also they may command units that have lost their own commanders.

Tank killers- the unit is very effective in assaulting armored vehicles.
In assault combat it costs half the value of the target unit (rounded
up) to destroy it . A Rhino with an assault value of 2 would only cost
one point to destroy instead of two).

Anti-infantry- units designated as such only have small caliber weapons
that can not affect armored vehicles of any kind. They can however
damage light vehicles.

Anti-tank- these units have greater efficiency when targeting armored
vehicles. They gain +1 to their weapons penetration characteristic.

Psyker- Unit has psychic powers it may use in attack or defense.

Transport- the unit may carry a certain amount of troops as determined
by the vehicle (see individual vehicle descriptions).

Winning the Game

The conditions for victory as well as deployment and game duration
depends on what type of game will be played. All these games do however
have the following concepts in common:

Break Point- this is the point after which the units fighting resolves
starts to crumble at a rapid pace. Broken units award the opponent with
half their total point value. The break point is dependent on the unit�s
quality. The amount of casualties it can sustain before reaching this
point is determined as follows:

1. Multiply the units fresh state quality target number by 10.
2. Express the result as a percentage.
3. Subtract that percentage from 100%.
4. The result is the percentage of losses the unit has to suffer to
become �broken� (round up)


A unit of terminator consists of 4 terminator stands and two land
raiders. Their quality target number at fresh state is 4. First multiply
by 10 this equals 40 (quality 4 x 10 = 40). Express it as a percentage,
40 as 40%. Subtract it from 100%. The result is 60% (100% - 40% = 60%).

The terminator unit must suffer 60% casualties before it breaks. In
other words 4 models must be destroyed before the unit breaks (6 models
x 60% = 3.6, round up to 4 models).

Note that army cards will be provided and this information is on it.
This formula is for those who wish to build custom units.

Routed units and destroyed units- these award the opponent their full
point value.


An IG guard company worth 300 points would award the opponent 150 points
when it breaks and the full 300 if its routed or destroyed.

Roughly speaking there are three types of games:

Set piece battle

This is your usual �I�ll meet you here and duke it out� kind of battle.
The armies are not really fighting over an �objective� but the goal is
to destroy the enemy�s army.

Deployment- the players may deploy forces within 30cm if their table
edge. They may withhold up to 25% of their forces as reserves. Before
the order phase players may commit reserves by simply placing them
within 10cm of their table edge. Also the player may attempt a flank
move by rolling a 9 or more on a D10 plus any leadership bonus the
highest-ranking leader may have. A failed check means the committed
reserves do not appear. If successful the player may place the reserves
within 10cm of any of the tables SIDES. The reserves are given orders

Victory conditions-the first player to attain the end phase of any turn
points equal to or exceeding 75% the total amount of points played per
side. (If a 1000 point game is played whomever accrues 750 points first
wins). Note players may decide to play until less than 75% is obtained
thus shortening the game.

Seize the objective

Encompasses all the games where the victor is determined by who holds
the vital �objective�. Army destruction is still important, but victory
can be obtained more quickly if most of the objectives are captured.

Deployment- One objective counter should be placed per 1000 points
played. Objectives should be placed at least 30cm apart. Players may set
up within 30cm of their table edge and keep up to 25% of their forces in
reserve. Use the rules stated above for a flank march.

Victory conditions- an objective can be claimed by a player if he is
within 10cm of the objective counter. Also none of the opponents units
may be within 10cm of the marker. That is to claim an objective you must
be the only player with units within 10cm. If the opponent has
non-routed units within 10cm it is contested regardless of who is closer
to the counter. Each objective is 250 points. The player that reaches
first 75% of the total amount of points played is the winner.

Attack and Defend

Any scenario where one player has numerical advantage over the other and
one player is already in control of the game�s objectives.

Deployment- the defending player sets up first at roughly the center of
the tabletop. The player may arrange the terrain and the objectives (1
per 1000 points played). Objectives may be placed as close as desired.
The defender may setup as he chooses but must place all forces on the
battlefield. The attacker should have at least twice as many points to
spend as the attacker. He sets up after the defender has done so, but
may not place units closer than 75cm to the defender�s units.

Victory conditions- the attacker receives 500 points for every objective
taken (follow rules for claiming objectives above) as well for breaking
and destroying defending units. The defender earns points for breaking
and destroying attacking units as well as for game duration. The longer
the defender can stave off the attack the more bonus points he receives.
For every turn beyond the third turn the defender receives a bonus 200
points. So if the battle lasts for 6 turns the defender receives an
extra 600 points for having lasted 3 turns beyond turn three.

The game may end in two ways: whoever reaches the 75% of total points
played mark first or until the defender loses all the objectives it
holds. The player with the highest point total gained is the winner.

These game scenarios are just recommendations. Feel free to change them
to your particular gaming style and taste.

Psychic Combat Rules

All units with the �psyker� or equivalent designation may engage in
psychic combat. All units with this capability have an additional
characteristic known as power. Power is a gage on how powerful a psyker
is. Two important things are derived from the power characteristic:

Mastery Level- this represents the amount of psychic powers the model
has at the game�s start. It also is a bonus to the die roll for
dispelling powers cast at it or near it. It also determines how many
psychic powers it can cast in a game turn. The mastery level is
determined by cross-referencing the model�s power on the table below.

Psi-points- these are the total amount of points a psyker has during the
game to �cast� his psychic powers. The total is equal to his power
characteristic plus the result of a random D10 roll.

Power Mastery level
1-3 1
4-6 2
7-9 3
10 4

Set up

Before play begins determine the mastery level of each psyker unit in
your army. The mastery level is equal to the amount of psychic power
cards that model will draw from its corresponding deck. Next determine
the amount of psi-points each psyker receives by adding the result of a
D10 roll to its power characteristic.


A space marine librarian has a power score of 5. The mastery level would
be a 2; thus he randomly selects two cards from the appropriate psychic
power deck. The player then rolls a D10 and he rolls a 7. The psyker�s
total points for the game is 12 (power of 5 + 7 =12).

Each army/race will have its own deck of psychic powers to draw from.
Some units may have fixed powers and do not need to draw from a deck
(i.e. greater demons).

Game Play

A psyker unit may cast a psychic power when it is activated during the
combat phase. Only units on first fire or advance orders may cast
psychic powers. A unit may cast a power during the movement phase as
reaction fire, but must make the required quality checks. The model may
fire its conventional attacks as well as its psychic attacks in the same
To cast a psychic power the player need only spend an amount of points
equal to the �cost� printed on the psychic power card. Usually the
success of the attack is guaranteed if there is no enemy psyker within
range to thwart the attempt. If a power is cast at an enemy unit that
has a psyker attached to it or there is one within 20cm of the point of
psychic attack it may be dispelled. To determine success of failure both
players must roll a D10 and add their psychic mastery level. If the
casting player wins the power�s effects are carried out. If the
defending psyker wins the power is dispelled. Powers cast at units
without psykers in them or 20cm away can not be dispelled.

Psychic power cards all have the amount of psi-points to cast on them as
well as spell effects. Powers may have a static value or a variable
point cost depending on how powerful the casting player wishes to make

Once a psyker unit runs out of psi-points it may no longer cast psychic
powers. Other abilities such as its increased assault ability remain

Assault Combat

Psyker units are very strong in assault combat. This is reflected by
their high assault values, but also in the fact that they increase the
overall damage done against their opponents. During assault combat
players may add the mastery level bonus to the roll for determining
damage points in assault combat. This bonus is cumulative with any other
bonuses that the player may apply.


A unit of orks and space marine meet in assault combat. After
determining the assault advantage and bonus the total damage points for
each side are, orks 10 and space marines 8. Since the space marines have
a librarian in the combat they can add its mastery level to the damage
total. The psyker�s mastery level in this case is 2. Therefore the total
damage points for the marine player is 10 (8 + 2 mastery level = 10).

Only psykers engaged in assault combat may add their mastery levels in
this manner.

Actual cards and descriptions are listed in the appropriate army lists.

Titan Rules

Titans are the largest ground units available to any army. Not only are
they large but they are very powerful. Armed with many shields and
extremely potent weapons they are a match for many numbers of standard

Similarities and differences

Titans, like all units in the game, possess the same set of
characteristics. All titans have move, accuracy, armor value, assault
value, quality etc. They follow the same procedures for fire combat and
assault combat as all ground units.

They do have several differences:

Quality- this functions as per all other ground troops, but what causes
a check is very different. Titan quality checks occur when it suffers
any catastrophic damage or more than 50% loss of its total DR (damage
rating). All penalties related to losing quality levels apply in full.

Armor value- although they possess a single armor value it applies to
all parts of the titan. Unlike most units titans rarely succumb to one
penetrating hit since each part has a damage rating. This rating works
as wounds or hit points and not until they run out is the titan

Shields- most titans have some �extra� protection in the form of void
shields or other methods of shunting aside damage. All shields must be
eliminated before the actual model receives damage. Specific types and
effects will be discussed under the appropriate titan type.

Damage control- unlike most units in the game titans can repair damage
during battle. These repairs occur in the end phase and have different
levels of success depending on the titan type.

Game play

Titans are constructed according to the player�s desire prior to the
battle. The player selects the hull type as per his army list and then
proceeds to arm the titan from a list of eligible weapons. One
completely fitted the total point cost is calculate for that titan.

Titans are fielded as individual units and they themselves are their own
command units. Therefore they are always considered to be in command
radius and may rally themselves in the end phase when needed. They can
be deployed at the game�s start or be held in reserve.

Titans receive orders like any other unit and follow the same
restrictions for those orders. They count as walkers for movement
penalties and restrictions. Titans have limits on how many turns they
make during a turn. These limits are specific per titan type.

Since titans have several weapons systems on them they may nominate
targets during the combat phase on a weapon by weapon basis. That is
they nominate a weapon and its firepower one at a time and resolve its
effects. When one system is done it can nominate the next weapon. This
gives a tremendous amount of tactical flexibility to titans.

Assault combat is resolved in the standard way except that the amount of
damage points it takes to inflict ONE hit on the titan is equal to its
armor value. It may take several such hits to destroy a particular
location on a titan. Of course certain skills and modifiers make titans
deadly in assault combat versus non-titan units.

Firing at titans

Titans are very large as compared to standard ground troops. Therefore
no long-range penalties are applied for shooting weapons at long range
at a titan. Shots that hit within the weapons short range give the
shooter the advantage of selecting exactly where the shot lands (see
below). Once a hit is determined the players need to determine �where�
the shot landed. Each time a hit occurs the firing player rolls on a hit
location table to determine what got hit. Once the location is
determined resolve fire in the standard fashion. Each penetrating shot
causes one point of DR loss. Once a location reaches zero DR that
location is destroyed, usually with very bad results for the titan.

Each penetrating hit however has a chance to cause catastrophic damage.
Once a penetrating hit occurs roll a D10. If the roll equals or
surpasses the titans armor value catastrophic damage ensues. Some
weapons may have a greater likelihood of causing catastrophic damage
than others.

If catastrophic damage is caused roll on the appropriate chart to
determine the effects. Effects vary from minor damage to destruction of
the titan. Catastrophic damage that can be repaired (the tables state
which ones can be repaired) may be repaired in the end phase by rolling
D10 and being equal to or greater than the specific damage control
target number (under each titan type).

Shields offer a resistance to incoming shots. Depending on the shield
and titan type shields also have an armor value. If a hit on a titan
with active shields occurs the weapon must attempt to penetrate the
shields by rolling its penetration dice. Each die that is equal to or
greater to the shields armor value one shield is taken down. This means
that weapons with high penetration can potentially take down multiple
shields in one shot. Once all shields are down successive shots hit the
actual model.

Shields do not function in assault combat. Some shields can be
regenerated in the end phase while others may not. Each type of shield
is discussed under the appropriate titan type.

Anti-infantry weapons can not effect shields.

Each weapon on the titan has its own fire arc that is described under
the appropriate titan type.

Titan Skills

Enhanced Assault- use of this skill confers a powerful assault combat
bonus. Titans quadruple their assault value when determining the assault
advantage score during assault combat. A titan with an assault value of
7 would have an advantage score of 28. This represents a titan�s awesome
assault ability. This skill applies when assaulting enemy titans as
well. When two titans engage in assault they both get their assault
values quadrupled. Do not cancel these out since it effects the combat

Maneuverable- the titan may make as many turns as it needs during

Electro-hull- most titan�s princeps can channel some of the machines
electrical power around the titan�s external hull in order to shock and
kill infantry units that engage it in assault. Units so armed may roll
one penetration die per stand engaged. Survivors may then continue
assault combat.

Basic Army construction

Although each army/race has its own style and organization all of them
follow the same basic rules for army construction.

All units start with a unit commander- the first step is to purchase
commanders to build your army around them. Each race/army list has
several commander types of different levels of organization. These will
have gradually higher leadership characteristics, but more importantly
more ability to attach more units to themselves.

All unit cards are strictly classified- army cards come in three types:
line, support and special. The importance of this classification is you
are limited as to how many of each type you can bring per commander.
Line units are the standard troops in any army and no limits are placed
on how many a command can attach to it. Support and special units are
limited due to limited resources. The higher the commander�s
organizational level the more of these assets he can bring to battle,
while lower echelon commanders may bring less.

The cards themselves will list what and how many models of each type it
is composed of as well as valuable information such as break point,
quality levels and point cost. These cards will be provided for your


A player selects to start a company of space marines by purchasing a
company commander army card. A Company commander permits him to attach
up to three units of which 1 can be a support unit OR a special unit.

Had the player selected to start with a battalion commander it would
allow him to attach up to 6 units of which 1 could be a support unit and
another a special unit.

This represents the greater resources commander of higher levels have
over lower echelon commanders. Of course higher level commanders have
the disadvantage of being more expensive and if eliminated leaving more
units out of command.


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