RE: [NetEpic ML] Tech Guard Knights...

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 08:34:40 +1000

At 03:08 PM 17-07-01 +0100, you wrote:
>As a marine player I lack large numbers of infantry though... just a thin
>green line to hold back the enemies of the Emperor :-)

Well, as a Marine player, I definitely recommend the Speeder tactic. Race
around their flank/rear with the speeders and hit them hard with the
multi-meltas. With a minimum of a -4 TSM, no standard Knight will survive
a hit. Just watch for enemy CC troops.

Also, one tactic I have seen used to good effect has been Devastators in a
Thunderhawk. One player in our group used to fly two Thunderhawks in
behind enemy lines - one with Assault Marines, the other with
Devastators. The Assault Marines would then proceed to protect the
Devastators who would lay waste to enemy armour from behind their own
lines. Both units would eventually die, but they would easily take out
more than their points worth of enemy forces. It was a quite an effective
tactic, especially if you'd never seen it before.


"Look, just give me some inner peace
or I'll mop the floor with you."
Received on Tue Jul 17 2001 - 22:34:40 UTC

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