Looking for Warhammer websites...

From: <fantasygamessb_at_...>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 01:36:12 EDT

Hello, we are looking for warhammer oriented websites to join our database
of the top gaming sites on the web. If you or someone you is the webmaster
of a gaming website please visit www.Top-Gaming-Sites.com. the main menu on
the left column as a link to the topsites list. Here you can join our list
and enter your site into the database.

We have just begun our drive to recruit sites for the list, so please give us
a try. Its fast, easy and free.

We will begin to write reveiws of all our member sites in the next couple of
weeks, so sign up early and get reveiwed.

We will not burden our site with pop up windows filled with ads. We will not
have banners all over the place. I am currently paying like $10.00 a month
for hosting and working on the site in my spare time, so no sob story about
needing banner ads to cover costs. I may at some point in the future have a
banner program, like 1 banner at the top of the page, and that banner would
probably only be offered to one of our member sites (online stores catagory,
but will never let ads dominate the site.

Also, if you don't have a site, that ok, visit us anyway and check it out.

Anyone can write a reveiw for their favorite website, just go to the main
page and click "reveiws" on the main menu.

I welcome any suggestions you might have.

Received on Fri Jul 20 2001 - 05:36:12 UTC

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