Re: [NetEpic ML] Titan Damage

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2001 11:23:53 -0400


Daryl Lonnon wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have some questions regarding Titan Damage.
> I was rereading various rules (from v4.1) and I came across
> Titan Damage. I recollect that it was different in previous
> versions and went back to the hard copy I'd made and reread that
> section as well. I then found myself perplexed. My memory recalled
> something completely different.
> So here are my questions,
> How long does the +1 bonus on future damage for a "penetrated" shot last?
> I thought it was just for that turn ... but on a re-read it doesn't
> say (I assume now that I had it wrong and it should be the rest of the
> game?)

You add +1 to the damage table roll for any shot that penetrates to do
damage for the REST OF THE GAME. This means that is you get a
penetrating shot for a given location you add the bonus to all shots
that penetrate the same location from that moment on.

> For the penentrated shots bonus, does the location on the damage template
> matter? (ie if I penetrate a upper right leg in the first shot (and
> roll a 1),
> then penetrate a lower right leg, do I get the +1 ... how about if the
> first shot was from behind and the next shot from the front (different
> damage templates) ... how about if the first shot was to the right leg
> and the second was to the left leg (both locations on the template say
> leg)?)

It does matter is has to be the EXACT spot the first penetrating shot
occured, this represents a weak spot at that location. Shots affecting a
similar part of the titan, but different location do not get a bonus
unless previously penetrated.

> Do Praterion's also use a +1 on each penetrating shot to the damage
> (I assume yes ... (it states they use the same Damage Resolution as
> a titan) ... but thought I'd ask.)
> A slightly befuddled,
> DarylL

Yes, correct the same rules apply.

Received on Sat Sep 01 2001 - 15:23:53 UTC

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