A few words reference the comments below;
I feel if we keep going in this type of comment string as below, the unity
of this group will be shattered by religious, political & national feelings
and opinions being aired whilst it is still a tender subject.
I am an Australian cab driver, the easiest way to piss of a customer or get
attacked physically (mugged) is to start talking politics, religion and
football/national team sports. Terrorism is a political crime as well as an
act of war. If this list should devolve into a discussion by armchair
generals and politicians (which we are) then terrorism and the people
involved (harbouring or harboured) have won another victory by sowing
If any of us are real general or politicians, we should not be talking about
it here, but keeping our trap shut and either finding ways to help track
them down or aiding the recovery.
If this argument on this string continues, I will delete the string from my
incoming e-mails.
Thank you for listening
I shall now get off my soap box.
Darryl Hilbig (if any of you terrorists out there want to get me,
you can find out where I live yourself)
>From: "Weasel Fierce" <septimus__at_...>
> >I dont know what the US will do in retaliation, but in no doubt it needs
> >to be forceful and perhaps extreme. The rules have changed and I fear
> >the "hawks" will beat their chest and say "we told you so" and
> >unfortunately for those who committed this act and the country that
> >harbors them, american public opinion overwhlmingly supports retibution.
>. . . and retribution will draw in NATO forces as well, due to an attack on
>any NATO member being considered an attack on all members.
>THis will mean hell for some country, we can just pray that attacks on
>civilians will be kept to a mininum and that we will not see a new vietnam
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