RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tau units/stats

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 08:44:40 +1000

>XV8 Chrisis Battlesuit:
>The TAU Jump packs are more advanced than their imperial counterparts. (Inner
>Sphere/Grey Death Legion battlearmour by FASA, if they are obtainable

I'd suggest some of the GZG Dirtside Walkers. They are about 7-10mm high
and are basically Patlabour-style walkers.

>Suggested stats:
>MV: 20cm AS: 5+* CAF: +2 WPN: Plasma Rifle/Burst Cannon RANGE: 50 cm/35cm
>NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 1/3 TO HIT: 4+/5+ AS: -2/0 Moral: 3
>Jumppacks, Armour midifiable to 6+ but not further.

Armour Save of only 5+? I'd have thought they would be tougher than
this. I haven't seen the Codex yet (it hasn't gotten to Australia yet) but
I would have thought they would be just a little tougher than that.

>XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
>These are the heavy support units of the TAU army, the Broadside is equippet
>with a pair of very powerfull Rail Guns and a smart missile rack. (Inner
>sphere/Grey Death Legion battlearmour from FASA)

Again, I suggest the GZG Dirtside Infantry Walkers.

>XV15 Stealth Battlesuit.
>These troopers are regarded as loners and excentrics by the TAU. The operate
>in small squads behind the enemy line. (GZG has an excellent miniature for
>this unit, but I have only seen pictures of it, I can send them if

Please do! Don't send the pictures to the list, but try and post a URL
where we can see them. I know most of the GZG minis and would love to see
a pic of the one you are suggesting.

>This is the TAU MBT. Built on the sucsessfull Devilfish Consept exchanging
>the cearrying capacity for more heavy Armour/weaponry. (Eldar lookalike
>heavy skimmer tank from GZG, again have the picture but not the name Usable
>for both Devilfish and Hammerhead)
>Suggested stats:
>MV: 20cm AS: 3+ CAF: +2 WPN: Ion Cannon RANGE: 75cm NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 2 TO
>HIT: 5+ AS: -2 Moral: 3

Aren't there two versions of the Hammerhead? One with the Ion Cannon and
one with a Railgun? I remember seeing the minis and thinking "Wow, these
look very cool".


"Look, Just give me some Inner Peace
or I'll mop the floor with you!"
-the Immortal Sage, Homer Simpson
Received on Tue Oct 02 2001 - 22:44:40 UTC

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