RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tau units/stats

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2001 08:18:25 +1000

At 08:50 AM 10/4/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Kelvin,
>So for minis we have
>UNSC Hardsuit infantry = TAU fire Warriors/Pathfinders
>Kra'Vak infantry = Kroot Warriors
>NSL Powersuit infantry = Stealth Armour

Yep. These were all suggestions I was going to make to the list. You just
beat me to it! ;-)

>I Suggest the Poruzh heavy grav tank as a model for both the Hammerhead and

Sure. They'll work well as proxies.

>As for the name of the Rail Gun version how about Hammerhead MKI and MKII.
>However, I'd rader give it another name than HAmmerhead MKII, what about
>Tiger Shark (Keeping in mind that the Hammerhead is also a shark)

Whatever people would like to do with this. I just think that in the 40K
set they are both called Hammerheads, so lets keep in line with that, but
if people feel more comfortable having different names for the two
variants, then lets go with that. I'm easy.

>As for the Crisis and broadside battlesuit, I have some Hound Dog walkers, I
>thinke these are a bit to large for the battlesuits, they should be just a
>bit larger than the normal infantry stand. Is there any GZG walker a bit
>smaller than the Hound Dog and slightly larger
>than the NSL Power Suit?

Well, I don't know the names of all the walkers but I think these are the
Hound Dogs you are talking about:
If so, from what I've seen of the Crisis suits next to the Fire Warriors in
my local GW store, this looks to me to be about the right scale. These
walkers certainly look the part for Epic scale.

>I Guess all these could be easily obtained from Eureka Miniatures, one of
>the better mini dealer sites I've seen on the web:

Yep. Love dealing with Nic. He's a good friend as well as a good
retailer. And with our pathetic Australian Dollar (or as we like to call
it, the Pacific Peso) its even better for those of you in the UK or US.

>The headache is going to find a proxy for the Krootox. This is a gorilla
>like monster, walking on all fours, with a heavy rifle strapped between its
>shoulders and a Kroot warrior klinging to it's back. So far my best
>suggestion would be to use a Khorne Jugger mini!!!! Of course the KROOTOX
>could be something entirely different in the NetEpic 40k universe!

What about the Kra'Vak riding beast? I've got a pic of it in 25mm scale:
And I'm pretty sure there is now a Dirtside-scale version of it. I think
that'd fit the bill nicely.


"Look, Just give me some Inner Peace
or I'll mop the floor with you!"
-the Immortal Sage, Homer Simpson
Received on Thu Oct 04 2001 - 22:18:25 UTC

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