Correct, do all mandatory movement first, before regular alternating
movement. If for some unforeseen circumstance it matters which order
these units with mandatory units should be moved then alternate just for
those units.
Eivind Borgeteien wrote:
> Hi!
> Thanks!
> I have one comment though
> <snip>
> Why? Mandatory movement (like units on fallback) is before all other
> movement in the movement phase, thus they could hit units that have
> yet to move thus gathering more casualties. So if you hit a unit in
> one round you could hit more before they move next turn, a distinct
> advantage.
> -----------> Hmm.... Maybe we have misinterpreted the mandatory
> movement? We play it the way that the player with the initiative moves
> oe of his detachments that must move mandatory, and if the opponent
> does not have any mandatory moves, he moves a detachment of his own
> choice. Should it rather be that all mandatory movement is done
> first, and THEN we can begin to move other units?
> Eivind
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Peter Ramos <mailto:primarch_at_...>
> To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com <mailto:netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2001 7:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] More on the tyranids
> Hi!
> Eivind Borgeteien wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have some questions regarding the tyranids:
>> Biovores:
>> They are some strange critters! If you dont hit anything staight
>> away, their spores float around the battlefield untill they hit
>> something.
>> Why is the movement of theese spores conducted in the mandatory
>> movement phase? It seems to me that when the 'nids use this
>> weapon they are bound to loose momentum, even if they win the
>> initiative, they will loose it because of the spores!
> Why? Mandatory movement (like units on fallback) is before all
> other movement in the movement phase, thus they could hit units
> that have yet to move thus gathering more casualties. So if you
> hit a unit in one round you could hit more before they move next
> turn, a distinct advantage.
> -----------> Hmm.... Maybe we have misinterpreted the mandatory
> movement? We play it the way that the player with the initiative
> moves oe of his detachments that must move mandatory, and if the
> opponent does not have any mandatory moves, he moves a detachment
> of his own choice. Should it rather be that all mandatory
> movement is done first, and THEN we can begin to move other units?
>> Other things that drifts around the battlefield do so in the end
>> phase (like the vortex) This sounds much more wiser to me...
>> Hive Tyrants:
>> If they go in CC with infantry, can they still use their psychic
>> powers? We play it the way that psychers cant use their powers in
>> CC, but the HT is a knight and is not pinned by infantry.
>> Therefore it should be able to use its psychic powers. That is my
>> take on it, but am I right?
> Any unit that is pinned could NOT use powers or abilities. Hive
> tyrants CAN use them if they are in combat with units that dont
> pin them.
>> Hormagaunts:
>> Theese fun little critters have no ranged weapons an a low
>> basemove, but still they have the Hunt instinct(?) (move 10 cm
>> and shoot). Well, they cant shoot and are biolocically made for
>> CC. Wouldn't the Rampage instinct be more natural? (Charge the
>> nearest opponent)
> They do move triple (30cm) on charge orders which is pretty good,
> but you are right it should be rampage.
>> Hope you can give me some answers...
>> Eivind
> Peter
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Received on Mon Oct 08 2001 - 22:15:27 UTC