As so eloquently said by Kelvin, Net Epic is based on second edition space
marine/titan legions. If you have played this before then you'll be instantly
familiar with net epic.
It was originally conceived by Michael the Liu on the old space marine mailing
Being the fool...er...nice guy that I am I voluntered to coordinate the effort.
It took almost a year to revise and write the original draft of net epic (now in
its version 3 and soon its 4th!). The motivation being we didn't like the new
epic40k game. Instead of complaining about it we put the money where are mouths
are and made our own game. We have used input from all over the internet
community and still do.
Currently we are discussing what we'd like to change/fix in netepic and are
currently voting on those points.
The list also serves for discussing strategy, painting or any other epic stuff.
The newer epic game is covered by another fine list also on egroups
(epic_at_egroups.com). there are many fine people on that list and they concentrate
more on the newer game, but talk about all versions as well. So this is another
place you may go to find fun stuf to chat about.
Heresy was created by Kenneth (Tzeentch) and myself to address the many things
we felt are lacking in GW game design. While GW makes beautiful models its rules
design is average at best. Having dabbled in every rule set there is out there
for 6mm sci-fi I finally decided to take a stab at it. Heresy is the result.
Poeple like Ivan (Weasel) and Johan have helped Heresy enormously in playtesting
and rules mechaincs.
At present all armies except Titians are done. Once it is complete it will be
release to everyone. Th game will include its own counters/cards and markers and
is a stand alone game (you need not own or have ever played "epic" to enjoy
Surprisingly, although the game has shown a lot or tactical depth its rules are
short. The main rule book is only 31 pages long and each army list averages 6
pages. In its complte firm its not even 100 pages a big difference to net epic's
current 250 pages.
I hope you enjoy your stay, welcome to the epic universe!
AmRadicool_at_... wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone please tell me which game(s) everyone on Net Epic are on about
> AmRadicool
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Received on Tue Nov 30 1999 - 16:41:23 UTC