SV: [NetEpic ML] Drop Pods

From: Eivind Borgeteien <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 13:30:48 +0100

Well, this one is easy.

You do it one pod at a time, starting with the deathwindpods. Two
reasons for this:

Realism: When the sky is filled with pods, the defender has no way of
knowing where all of them are going to land.

Game terms: If the defender can choose which one he wants to shoot at
after all pods has landed, it would severly decrease the effeciency of
the unit, making it quite useless.

Troops dont disembark on their given orders, they disembark on advance
orders, with the exaption ov the commander who can be given any order.
Nids in pods disembark on their given instinct.


-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: nils.saugen_at_... [mailto:nils.saugen@...]
Sendt: 26. november 2001 10:42
Emne: [NetEpic ML] Drop Pods


There has been some debate amongst a few of our players on how to best
with the rules regarding the use of droppods. I've tried to summerize
how we
think it should be done.

Comments please!

* First the Droppod player lands all his droppod minis according to the
* Then the opposing player selects the ones that he wishes to fire at.
Remove destroyed pods.
* Then check for any casualities from pods that landed on enemy/friendly
* Then check to see wich pods open.
* Units disembark on their given orders. Units wich have base contact
enemy stands and on charge orders are considered to be in cc with the
Other troops move as normal in the movement fase according to

Special note on deathwind pods.
These are designed to clear the landingground before the actual assault.
They deliver explosive charges and are in fact dropbombs. These should
detonated when checking for casualities from pods landing on enemy
Just disregard any other pods (However, not other deathwindpods) within
blast radius.



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