RE: [NetEpic ML] Combining Empire forces

From: Darryl Hilbig <darrylhilbig_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 13:55:34

>From: jyrki.saari_at_...
> > IMO (I'm to shy to be humble)the following restrictions
> > should apply to
> > combined Imperial Forces (or even their Chaos Equivalents:
> >
> > Are an elite formation and as such should be limited to 25%
> > to 33% of a
> > total force in a battle or campaign.
> > They are supposed to be used for those tough jobs like
> > Beachheads, Deep
> > Strike Assaults, vanguard on a relief force etc.
> > I see them as being similar to (in Military Forces parlance)
> > the Special
> > Forces in modern armies e.g. Green Berets, SAS, Red Berets,
> > Commandoes,
> > Spetznaz, Republican Guard etc to name a few. These units
> > are relatively
> > few in number compared to the rest of the Defence Forces of
> > the armies they
> > belong to.
> >
>The problem with Space Marines is that they are not true special forces in
>the sense SAS, SEALs and Spetznaz are. Rather, they're a cross between
>special forces and a rapid deployment force, usually forming the first wave
>of reinforcements. The marines have been used in normal military operations
>many times during Imperial history in a way no true special forces would
>ever have been. Black Templars, for example, are constgantly "liberating"
>planets completely on their own without any support from the regular armed
>forces (IG and Navy).
>If Imperium has any true special forces it's the Grey Knights and Mentor
>Jyrki Saari

Agreed, but if they were to support an Imperial Force, there would be less
of them in proportion to the Imperial Guard. The Space Marines (SM) would
be off doing their own thing as directed by their higher command (whatever
it is) and so they could not spare a large force to Support a Combined Army
as dexcribed in the original post.

The term Special Forces was used in relation to the amount of training,
modification and equipment (eqpt) they recieve compared to the IG or TG.

So seeing the comments above, it would influence me, when running a campaign
to ensure that the bulk 66% to 75% were IG and not SM or TG.

Darryl H

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