RE: [NetEpic ML] Ogres

From: <jyrki.saari_at_...>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 13:43:27 +0200

> This looks good, I'd keep the armor at 1+ to keep non-AP troops from
> being able to destroy it. Otherwise it's fine.

Yep, the armor will not be reduced. I'll change the table.

> > 2) AP weapons are IMO too effective; 5+ to-hit should be enough.
> Here are my current thoughts.
> IIRC, Titans have the anti-infantry ability which equates to 1 in 6
> of all non-elite infantry just die attacking them (1 in 3 of elite).
> Most titans have a CAF around 12+, and most infantry
> around 2+. So it'll take at least 3 infantry to get through to
> do some damage. So 18 infantry.
> Against an Ogre MK V with full APs (keep in mind that AP's
> are the easiest
> weapon to destroy on an Ogre) (Mk V I think has 24 * 2 dice worth),
> you can expect to kill 24 infantry stands outright. Each additional
> stand is (above the 24) is guaranteed to get through.
> Making it 5+ cuts the number of infantry stands down to 16 killed, 2
> attacking.
> There are two factors which come out in favor of the Ogre:
> One is that ground infantry will only do tread damage (not nearly as
> effective as leg damage is on a titan).
> The second is that the next turn, the Ogre
> can grind up the infantry in it's treads (assuming it still has
> some treads left).
> My current thought is that 5+ would probably be okay. But might
> leave an Ogre more open to infantry swarms (especially a softened
> up Ogre). I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing though.

Only platesting will tell, but even with the 5+ to-hit an Ogre will probably
wipe out a Space Marine company with its AP weapons alone so I'm inclined to
say the 5+ is enough.

> > 3) Heavy tank: I'd increase the range to 100cm and decrease
> the save modifier
> > to -2.
> Not 100% sure about this. I can see changing the save
> modifier to -2 (since
> -3 is a pretty good save modifier for a tank), but increasing
> the range
> to 100cm makes it significantly better than the leman russ (which I
> used as a base to design the Heavy Tank against). The goal was
> to make it slightly better than the Leman Russ. Looking back
> on it ... it is ... in just about every regard. Perhaps too much so.
> I'd be a little tempted now to drop the CAF to +2 (the light tanks
> to +1, drop both the GEV's by 1 as well), and decrease the
> save modifier
> to -2 (and the AP (like all AP's) to hit on a 5+) and leave the ranges
> the same.
> This means it'd be more comparable to a Leman Russ, except with a +1
> save, a slightly better main battery (2 dice with save mod of -2,
> instead of a dice at -2 and a dice at -1), and a slightly better CAF
> (+1).

I'd not compare the heavy tank with a Leman Russ. Leman Russ is something
out of WWI while a heavy tank is the product of the Dark Age of Technology.
Even the light tank should be at least equal if not slightly superior to
Leman Russ.

> > 4) Ogre main battery should IMO have +2 to damage rolls.
> I've got no problem with this.
> > 5) Shields; this is a real pain. On the other hand the
> technology certainly
> > existed during the Dark Age of Technology, but OTOH the
> Ogres are already
> > VERY durable so game balance might well be ruined even with
> increased cost.
> > What do you think?
> I'd leave them out. Sheilds would make Ogres too Land-Train
> like. (Perhaps
> the developers of Ogres never discovered Void Shields (and
> it's the reason
> they lost out against Titans)). Or something like that.
> The fluff I came up with for the Ogre worlds was that they were caught
> in a null-warp space anomoly, and all warp based phenomina (including
> shields) were unknown.

A quick point: void shields are not a warp-based technology. A void shield
is a "normal" energy field. It does grant a save against non-physical
psychic powers but so does a power field. However, we could bend the fluff
so that the people in sargasso cluster split from Earth in the beginning of
the DAT and never stumbeld on Void shield principles or built titans.

That brings me to another question: what FTL technology do the Combine &
Federation use? If warp is blocked from the cluster they must have some
other method of FTL travel.

> Although I will admit, that everytime I look at the conning
> tower, I think
> of some sorta shield generator.

How about giving the Ogres powerfields? IMO that would be a decent
compromise. They give some extra protection but once they're down they stay
down. Each Ogre could have a number of powerfields equal to its' mark, with
Fencer being the equivalent of MkIII, Ninja the equivalent of MkIV and
Doppelsoldner the equivalent of MkVI.
> > Jyrki Saari
> Some random thoughts,

Thanks for those. I really appreciate the effort. BTW didn't you design the
original list? If you did, and think I am going too far with the
changes/additions please say so, IMO you should have the final say on how
things should be.

> DarylL

Jyrki Saari

-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is
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