NetEpic Campaign System

From: <tom.webb_at_...>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 11:25:35 +0000


     I have been working on the Empire of the Stars (EOTS) campaign system
for a while now, and have got it all working and it has been beta tested
successfully. There are a few tweaks that I would like to make though, and
I was wondering if you had any opinions on it.

     For those who are not aware of EOTS, here is a quick overview:

     It is based on the 'Mighty Empires' engine and features combat within
an unexplored sector or cluster, players begin with a highly populated
homeworld and some surrounding territories and then expand using their
fleets (using BFG), and then taking over enemy world with Regiments (using
either NetEpic or Heresy).

     The problem I have is with the Exterminatus ships. I want Exterminatus
to be a last resort and undesireable. At the moment it reduces a habitable
world to an Asteroid Belt along with all the regiments and upgrades on it.
(There is no hex tile known as an inhabitable world). As habitable worlds
are rare this is very undesirable.

     In the BFG rules you can choose before the battle which ships should
have the Exterminatus weapon to replace there prow weapons, in EOTS fleets
are built during the economic phase and cannot be changed unless new ships
are built.

     My question is, should the Exterminatus weapon be fitted during the
economic phase when fleets and regiments are recruited/built or should the
player be allowed to refit them pre-battle.


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