> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext tom.webb_at_... [mailto:tom.webb@...]
> Sent: 20. March 2002 17:09
> To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] EPICentre Update
> Hi all,
> I have finished uploading now, the EPICentre should be 100%
> operational. (http://www.netepic.org) If you find any dead
> links could you
> email them to me and I will fix them immediately.
-Net Epic 3 rules (all links)
-Net Epic 3 alternative rules (all links)
-Net Epic 3 army lists (all links)
-Whirlwind (army card SM57)
-Firestorm (army card EL15)
-NE3 Chaos army cards. This link works in NE4 section, BTW.
-All Adeptus Titanicus playaids
-Heresy rules
-All Heresy armylists except PDF and Sisters of Battle
-All Heresy play aids
-Star Conflict and EOTS rules.
-Federation & Imperial army list.
-EOTS play aid templates.
Slann is not spelled "Slaan"
In the Heresy section the first link should be "rules" instead of "army lists".
Colossus is not spelled "Collosus" (army card SQ5)
Header in Cyclops card reads "Collosus" instead of "Cyclops" (army card SQ6)
Phew! I had no idea the Epicentre is so huge! How on earth have you had time to upload, design and maintain all that? Thanks for your effort!
> Please remember that if you have a website with information on
> NetEpic, Epic 40k, BFG or EOTS, we have a links page on the site at
> http://www.netepic.org/cgi-bin/rankmaster/html/index.shtml
> which you can
> add your site too.
> Tom.
Jyrki Saari
-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is money.
Received on Thu Mar 21 2002 - 15:36:04 UTC