RE: [NetEpic ML] Net Epic 5.0 ideas

From: <jyrki.saari_at_...>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 15:42:51 +0200


1.You eliminate the problem of over abundance of "specialist" units, since you would need to a very large command base to have a lot of these units.

JS: Hmm, yes, but some careful classification is in order. For example, every Space Marine company is supposed to have its own Chaplain.

2. It uses the same army card format everyone is familar with
3. Places emphasis on a command structure to build an army

1. It introuduces the need for a command radius for all armies. For some it is not a problem, but we would still need to make rules for them.

JS: Why is a command radius needed? I have been toying with "advanced force selection rules" for Net Epic myself, with the basic ideas below:

-Each army is composed of certain basic elements, units which are considered capable of independent action.

-Each basic element is of certain size in company cards, and can attach a certain number of support and specialist formations. For example, the basic unit for IG would be a battalion, which could be some 3-4 companies. Space Marines, OTOH, would not have any permanent organization level between a company and a chapter. In times of war, combat groups of one or more companies would be formed under the command of a senoir captain, the lieutenent commander or, in case of task forces of 5+ companies, the chapter master.

IG company HQs of the same parent battalion would have to remain within, say, 30 cm of their battalion HQ, while Space Marines would have no command radius. However, there could be some benefit of being within 30cm of the combat group commander.

2. What constitutes a command "company" and what units need to be made. Although its a fun endevour, it still means a lot of work to do correctly.

JS: Just add the upper echelons of command: battalion, regiment etc.

3. Re-categorization of all units into the new scheme.



Jyrki Saari

-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is money.
Received on Tue Mar 26 2002 - 13:42:51 UTC

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